A little norwegian grepo tradition
DoR messaging literally every alliance in the server to attack us because apparently they can't win a MH + DoR vs Us fight. Great alliance you got there, guys. Needing to call on 4 other alliances to help you fight.
Im going to be honest, I think you will end up losing this world. Sadly this lose is only because of one thing, your leadership tried teaching you that being cocky was good, sadly openly being cocky causes hatred.
Your leadership was asking for every alliance in this whole world to go against them when they started to get cocky. They knew what was coming but thought they could handle it and still think they can, we will see if they can stand the test of time Quantam. Good luck to you and your alliance, but telling DoR its unfair to team up against you with others makes you sound afraid and fearful of exactly what your leaders wanted to happen.
I think getting 11 alliances to attack kind of does prove we're better than you. And I don't think calling anybody better than you is cocky because you are god awful. I don't mean your alliance. I mean you, as a player. You suck
I never said you have bad leadership, I understand english isn't your strong suite tobbern its fine, just please re-read and make sure you know what I say before you try quoting me.
Also Marticus I know I'm a horrible player, you don't have to be the one to tell me I am bad. also I think "xpertomarticusso" would be a pretty good name, maybe I will use that in the future.
Its good to know the fear running through your vains! it feeds our fight, thanks for posting on the forums fellas!
Also bravo on your last OP, real dang successful! ;-)
I thinking getting 11 alliances together is efficient, in the end only one alliance can win a world. There are just a lot of alliance out there who don't want it to be yours, the quicker we remove you the sooner we can fight each other.
Those are terrible names.
Sorry, they just seem amusing to me. Do you have any suggestions?