Desperately Seeking . . .

Try playing with some scruples, sportsmanship, and class next time. Maybe you won’t have to cry in the externals for competition.


Try playing with some scruples, sportsmanship, and class next time. Maybe you won’t have to cry in the externals for competition.
Your idea of scruples, class, and sportsmanship, is recruiting the whole server so we can all stand around having a giant hug fest.
You'll have to forgive me if I'm not inclined to get into a debate about facts on the internet in 2021, in a particularly toxic forum, with a grown man who, if he didn't learn about integrity, respect, and sportsmanship already, isn't going to learn it here.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, as does everyone who played against your team in this world and past worlds. And if you really don't know what I'm talking about, I think we can all agree that your inability to recognize it proves the point all the more.

But the way you and your team disrespect the game and the community of players that play it is not what this thread is about, and I won't participate in derailing it.

This thread is about your complete lack of self-awareness to quit all your other perfectly competitive worlds to come to US-99 to totally kill that world and then make a jerk-off post in the externals about being bored. You're just begging to be flamed and rightfully so.

You're going to be you and play the game the poisonous way you do, alright, fine. But everyone would rather you just keep your mouth shut, sleep in the bed you made, and move on. You're bored? Too bad. Let's not pretend that the world died because you were just so good.


You'll have to forgive me if I'm not inclined to get into a debate about facts on the internet in 2021, in a particularly toxic forum, with a grown man who, if he didn't learn about integrity, respect, and sportsmanship already, isn't going to learn it here.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, as does everyone who played against your team in this world and past worlds. And if you really don't know what I'm talking about, I think we can all agree that your inability to recognize it proves the point all the more.

But the way you and your team disrespect the game and the community of players that play it is not what this thread is about, and I won't participate in derailing it.

This thread is about your complete lack of self-awareness to quit all your other perfectly competitive worlds to come to US-99 to totally kill that world and then make a jerk-off post in the externals about being bored. You're just begging to be flamed and rightfully so.

You're going to be you and play the game the poisonous way you do, alright, fin. But everyone would rather you just keep your mouth shut, sleep in the bed you made, and move on. You're bored? Too bad. Let's not pretend that the world died because you were just so good.
No, the world died because you were that bad of a leader
Your idea of scruples, class, and sportsmanship, is recruiting the whole server so we can all stand around having a giant hug fest.

Again, your total lack of self-awareness is embarrassing. Take a hard look in the mirror and don't throw stones in glass houses.

No, the world died because you were that bad of a leader

Translation: Durrr durr durr troll troll troll I can't think of a coherent response so I'll just make insults.

Meg TheBeagle

You're bored? Too bad. Let's not pretend that the world died because you were just so good.

I never said I was bored. Dad always said if you're bored, you're probably boring. I'm playing but it just isn't as much fun cleaning up enemy ghosts.

I don't know you - have not played against you previously. I'm toxic?? Seriously? Do you wonder why the team I play with has been together for so long and with so many wins? It isn't because of toxic leadership, that is for real.


Again, your total lack of self-awareness is embarrassing. Take a hard look in the mirror and don't throw stones in glass houses.

Translation: Durrr durr durr troll troll troll I can't think of a coherent response so I'll just make insults.
Mega you even admitted in another thread that your mistake was mass recruiting, in this world, so you should probably check your awareness at the door.
Almost every single player on the U.S. server knows that Mega is about Mega. That is your biggest character flaw, and you can't even see it. I suggest that you do a 180 and take a good hard look at that mirror yourself.
Mega you even admitted in another thread that your mistake was mass recruiting, in this world, so you should probably check your awareness at the door.
Almost every single player on the U.S. server knows that Mega is about Mega. That is your biggest character flaw, and you can't even see it. I suggest that you do a 180 and take a good hard look at that mirror yourself.

I'd ask you to quote me where I said recruitment was a "mistake," or that it was something I was responsible for... but nah. Who cares?

You've never played with me and you know nothing about me except some hearsay. Yet you'll spout off personal insults in a public forum even though you're clueless because one of your teammates got called out legitimately.

Embarrassing. Grow up.


I'd ask you to quote me where I said recruitment was a "mistake," or that it was something I was responsible for... but nah. Who cares?

You've never played with me and you know nothing about me except some hearsay. Yet you'll spout off personal insults in a public forum even though you're clueless because one of your teammates got called out legitimately.

Embarrassing. Grow up.
One of my teammates got called out? You mean on non specific, vague statements? That is your idea of calling someone out?
By the way, all about me is scattered all over your gameplay, and there is no need for hearsay.
It wasn't an insult, it was an observation.
Peace & Harmony


Im just like trying not to die. Thanks for the offer though.
One of my teammates got called out? You mean on non specific, vague statements? That is your idea of calling someone out?
By the way, all about me is scattered all over your gameplay, and there is no need for hearsay.
It wasn't an insult, it was an observation.

I guess nobody’s going to be confusing you for Isaac Newton now are they?

If it isn’t already obvious how triggered you are by your teammate being called out for making a jerk-off post in the externals, keep responding with ad hominems and proving it all the more.


Yawn, we get it. You're the smartest guy in the grepo room. If you worked this hard at humility, I guarantee your team would still be in the fight.

TD/IE had plenty of good fighters, in fact more then many teams we've encountered. You had a good core of people, attacked together, defended very well and truthfully had me thinking this was going to be a tough fight. I have a lot of respect from what i saw / experienced from that team.

So while its easy to tear down any enemy leadership on any server by saying MRA, Toxic, Gold Abuse etc, the reality is, TD/IE was in a very competitive position until they were not. That was not all GC's doing but pressure will challenge a teams and leaderships ability to hold together. You want to win worlds, give your people a place to have fun, minimize the nonsense, put ego's aside and insist leadership be humble but strategic and it's all downhill from there. GC collects good players because sure people like to win but they like to have fun doing it.

Grepo leaders tend to forget that this is a volunteer army.
This thread was about Meg the Beagle’s jerk-off post. Funny how the fanbois don’t want to talk about that. Then what is this about? Desperately trying to rationalize to themselves that they didn’t kill the world with their BS? Methinks they doth protest too much. But if that’s how they want to keep going around and around in circles, keeping the parade of jerk-off posts just like their leader’s at the top of the forum, I’m happy to oblige.

It’s a funny thing, Rodrk, for you to get all preachy about playing with humility. You’re the guy who PMs players in game and condescendingly calls then “honey.” So guess it turns out you’re just another one of Meg the Beagle’s grade A hypocrites aren’t you?

You’ll never find me say anywhere that I’m the smartest. In fact, just the opposite - I’m definitely not the smartest. But I can’t help if my posts look smart when they’re side-by-side with the galactically stupid things some people write in these forums. Like, for instance, trying to claim that 100 players quit a world because of one person’s alleged lack of humility. I mean really, do you realize how stupid that sounds? Everybody can see right through it for what it truly is: lame deflection and spin.

What you refuse to acknowledge is the way your team, Meg the Beagle’s team, killed US-99 with your ugliness, your underhanded tactics, and your poor sportsmanship. You’re right about one thing - Grepolis is just a game, played on a volunteer basis for fun, and when other players encounter a team like yours, most just don’t want to deal with the BS.

Things like:
- Recruiting the enemy’s founder. The main villain of this world is Zombir R Us, who defected just to cause drama and kill morale. But someone in your alliance had to recruit and press the button to invite. And you knew exactly what you were doing when you invited him, and the impact it would have.
- Using multiple accounts to join the enemy and spy in their forums and to intercept mass mails. Yes, you did it. You know who did it. Your team knew it was happening. I have the screenshots of one of your players admitting knowledge.
- Encouraging mental midget head cases (you know who they are) to gold non-stop slinger and LS nukes to harass and hassle players until they quit.
- Jumping all over a player AFTER you learned that he was sick with COVID and was entering VM.
- Sending taunting messages and insulting messages in game, and spreading baseless accusations of cheating about enemy players for which you had no proof, and for which there was no proof
- Your scrub players golding their faces off in garbage time, and similarly the completely unnecessary and pathetic tactic of dividing your squad up to hog all the GrepOlymplia event bonuses in a completely dead world where you have absolutely no one challenging you.

I’m sure there are more examples that folks who are wiser than me could add but would rather stay out of the forums.

Now I’m sure the fanbois will respond with hurr durr ::insult Mega:: hurr durr ::denials:: hurr durr :troll troll: hurr durr ::spin:: and that’s all fine. But all these things are true. It’s also true that US-99 is dead, and without this poisonous BS from your team it wouldn’t be.

And again… for the most part that’s the way Innogames let’s people roll… scumbags can play the game, too, and they tend to find each other like birds of a feather. But after you kill a world, people would rather you just keep your mouth shut and move on, rather than making jerk-off posts in the externals about it. And you guys still don’t seem to be hearing that message.


Lol thanks for the lecture prof. You got it all figured out. I like how you continue to entertain and respond here to show how "not bitter" are.

The bottom line is you want to blame GC entirely for your demise. I say give us the same resources TD/IE had and you'd still be in the fight.

Keep saying it over and over, clearly it's lost on us who are of inferior quality to your high standards.

It's not you, it's me. Please don't let us keep you from teaching your forum posting class on reddit.