You see 3/4, i see it as 1/4 now... I guess it was 3/4 for maybe a couple days and if that gives you enough of a reason to stick to your guns then so be it lol. And believe me, I read every post, multiple times, before I comment. Just because I read it doesnt make it any less of a propaganda statement. It is one side of a story and you take it for what it is. I like it when players come on here and puff their chest and makes claims about the state of the world. It gives me a good basis of which to form my own opinions without allowing for too much bias.
However, you cant possibly believe that all hive players were actively targets for destruction. Planning on hitting someone, or blowing smoke out of your you know what doesnt make someone a refugee. Considering many of the active Hive players were almost a full days TT from most of this coalition just makes me scoff at what you think the reality of the world was. When it comes down to it, Special Ops has gotten where is is because they were AR's secret "academy" for the most part and AM allowed you to move north. Furthermore, the only way you were able to achieve this was by attacking and taking cities from Hive members as the came out of VM inactive. Maybe it is because you are so faraway that you are actually out of touch on the way things were, just like until i showed some stats to prove AM/DM is winning this "war" you were ouch of touch with the reality of the way things are now. You definitely have a gifted tongue, but I highly recommend you educate yourself before you make any more claims. You are right though, The Hive shut down a lot sooner than it needed to. In 54/45 we could have lasted several months, but it was an obvious sinking ship, and the players that remained were willing to a move to keep in a position to win the game. That just wasnt joining Special Ops.
Lastly, there is no need to sit and act so innocent by making Antimatter out to be the alliance that betrayed everyone else. The truth is, once you saw 3 players in O45 jump to antimatter, you mass recruited the rest of the active players in the Hive. This proves 2 things.. 1) you didnt really know what was happening because by sending invites you hoped that players would come to you since all you saw was the hive falling apart on its face (not to mention that sending out 30 blind invites w/o even contacting a player personally is a joke in itself) and 2) You were willing equally willing to betray the "Southeast Coalition" by taking in 30 Hive members or so. Just because no one worth 2 cents joined you doesnt make you any less guilty of this "betrayal"
As far as Ceru, yea the externals arent the best place for most players. He is still around, but i think is trying to find his inner zen in order to keep playing properly. And most people here should know, if there is anyone who relies on stats, it is me. And I have yet to find a reason to not rely on them.
I hate long responses.. urgh what did I just do..