Attention members of Antimatter and Darkmatter! Attention members of their "academies"!
Today war has begun.
Considering that many of us have been long-time friends and have worked together in the past, the true "Coalition" felt it important to explain our actions up front. As we know it was in fact Immortal that put together the first coalition against The Hive. And we have all witnessed The Hive's incredible arrogance, disrespect for each of us, and eventual downfall due to short-sighted strategies and a lack of understanding how the end-game is played. In my opinion the end-game comes down to management of several key factors, but perhaps most importantly allegiances to your friends.
From the first day the coalition was formed Assassins Rite stood up and said we would work for the greater good and side with you all. We sent many of you defense from oceans far away. When we learned of internal threats to our coalition we were the first to do something about it and extinguish those threats. And over the course of a few months those of us with the courage to continue on with the fight were finally successful in breaking our enemy's spirits. Victory was in sight.
But then your leaders got greedy. They pulled a similar move as The Hive had done earlier and saw a quick gain in taking in members of their enemy. Understand, this put ALL of your allies in a very difficult position. Our targets were being taken away by a "friend". And so our leaders got together and we discussed this with yours. Make no mistake we all know each other and have been open in our communication. We came to a certain agreement on our joint future together and a path to maintaining our friendship.
Unfortunately, it only took about 24 hours for the betrayal to occur and the agreement was trashed. We know that the moves taken to move our enemy to Blood Hunters was planned in advance to AM's benefit. We know that they were aware that they were lying to their allies. How do we know this? I've got Hive's Skype logs to prove this with advanced warning days prior to the actual moves being made. And just as predicted everything has gone as expected. And all the while we are told that this was just a "mistake". And now of course we know the real truth of it all with Anti-Dark-matter.
For those of you caught in the middle of this fight I apologize to you. I had hoped to avoid this, but this is the position I (and many others) have been put in. And unfortunately all of you have now been put in the position of having to fight alongside your enemies and against your friends. Think about that one for a bit. Strange ... I would agree.
For those I have fought next to and made friendships with, I do apologize, though I hope you now see where we are coming from. But the world will constantly be shifting so perhaps a few of us will find we are on the same side once again eventually. For the groups caught in the middle of this ... you know what to do ... there's still time to do the right thing (but not much).
Ultimately, however, this is not personal. It's a game. And I look forward to the fun ahead. Enjoy the trip!
The truth is out there now .. flame on!
Today war has begun.
Considering that many of us have been long-time friends and have worked together in the past, the true "Coalition" felt it important to explain our actions up front. As we know it was in fact Immortal that put together the first coalition against The Hive. And we have all witnessed The Hive's incredible arrogance, disrespect for each of us, and eventual downfall due to short-sighted strategies and a lack of understanding how the end-game is played. In my opinion the end-game comes down to management of several key factors, but perhaps most importantly allegiances to your friends.
From the first day the coalition was formed Assassins Rite stood up and said we would work for the greater good and side with you all. We sent many of you defense from oceans far away. When we learned of internal threats to our coalition we were the first to do something about it and extinguish those threats. And over the course of a few months those of us with the courage to continue on with the fight were finally successful in breaking our enemy's spirits. Victory was in sight.
But then your leaders got greedy. They pulled a similar move as The Hive had done earlier and saw a quick gain in taking in members of their enemy. Understand, this put ALL of your allies in a very difficult position. Our targets were being taken away by a "friend". And so our leaders got together and we discussed this with yours. Make no mistake we all know each other and have been open in our communication. We came to a certain agreement on our joint future together and a path to maintaining our friendship.
Unfortunately, it only took about 24 hours for the betrayal to occur and the agreement was trashed. We know that the moves taken to move our enemy to Blood Hunters was planned in advance to AM's benefit. We know that they were aware that they were lying to their allies. How do we know this? I've got Hive's Skype logs to prove this with advanced warning days prior to the actual moves being made. And just as predicted everything has gone as expected. And all the while we are told that this was just a "mistake". And now of course we know the real truth of it all with Anti-Dark-matter.
For those of you caught in the middle of this fight I apologize to you. I had hoped to avoid this, but this is the position I (and many others) have been put in. And unfortunately all of you have now been put in the position of having to fight alongside your enemies and against your friends. Think about that one for a bit. Strange ... I would agree.
For those I have fought next to and made friendships with, I do apologize, though I hope you now see where we are coming from. But the world will constantly be shifting so perhaps a few of us will find we are on the same side once again eventually. For the groups caught in the middle of this ... you know what to do ... there's still time to do the right thing (but not much).
Ultimately, however, this is not personal. It's a game. And I look forward to the fun ahead. Enjoy the trip!
The truth is out there now .. flame on!