

I'm doing the research in the academy right now and I noticed something about the so called 'Breakthrough' item. It state's that combat ships other than transports are made 50% less effective in fighting other ships. Does this only occur when the combat ships are used together with the transports? What if they are sent out on different waves? What if the combat ships are in defense mode? I'm a little wary about researching this one item.


I'm not sure, but if I remember well, this research enables a kind of attack which has to be activated ;-) And if you don't activate it, it doesn't make your combat ships 50% weaker :)


Researching breakthrough allows you to send a breakthrough attack. You select a breakthrough attack in the same way you'd select a revolt attack. When the breakthrough attack is sent, your ships will be 50% weaker. This does not effect your defending ships.


You know I've never really figured out how to work the Attack Simulator. I mean I could access the dialogue box but how do I direct it to attack a particular city? There doesn't seem to be any place where you can enter the name of the city or the coords.


Ok, I don't think you know how to attack a city. This is the simulator (image below). It can be used to simulate a fight.


Now, in order to attack a city, do as follows :



I'm not sure if that was what you meant in your last message, but I hope that still helps :)


And I took all the time I needed to make the pictures... You're really slow King :D


I've been attacking cities and farming them left and right. But how do I set-up this so called 'Breakthrough Attack'?


I've been attacking cities and farming them left and right. But how do I set-up this so called 'Breakthrough Attack'?

You click on LS, on the Transport Boats, and the troops you want to send to the attack city. Then, at the bottom left of the attack window, there will be a 'Breakthrough attack' button. Click on it and the city will be set up as a Breakthrough attack ;-)


LS? What is this LS? Do you mean I just click on the city and then click on the attack button, select the transport and troops? Where is this LS? Will it give the 'Breakthrough' option if I research it?


Sorry, LS = Light Ship.

You just have to click on the attack button, then choose the combat ships (Light Ships are the best attacking naval troops), choose the land troops you'd like to send in your attack. Then click on the square at the bottom left corner of the attack window. Then click on attack.

You just sent a Breakthrough attack ;-)


The only square I see is the regular attack. I assume that once I research 'Breakthrough' the icon button will appear in the dialogue box.


Yep, that's it. You need to research Breakthrough before you can see the square :)


yeah where is the breakthrough attack pictures... maybe a dev/mod can post one... not sure if kyll has the research points for it ;)


so what is actually happening... is Breakthough adding +Defense to the Transports and -Dmg to the LS? and I assume? that it also adds +def to a CS as well? and if all the LS die will the CS/Transports still get in?

Basically does anyone have any practical experience using this that they might share :) thanks


I have never used this, but I know (by reading the wiki... Which you should really read before asking questions ;-)) that the Breakthrough makes more transport boats go through a bireme wall. It makes also combat boats 50% less effective. It doesn't add any defense to any ships.
This research doesn't add any defense to any boats, so why would it add defense to the CS ? No, it doesn't give more defense to your CS.
If all your LS die, the transports will still get in, but not all.


because the descriptions given to skills are as much for game immersion as information... but in the end there is some kind of algorithm behind everything... Breakthrough does 2 things:
1. you combat ships will be 50% less effective in fighting the enemy. easy... if breakthrough=1 then LS dmg=dmg*.5 (you get my crude attempt at a formula)
2. your ships enter a formation that allows transport ships to reach the shores safer

There are 2 questions with point 2:
a. what ships are being defined as transport? a cs transports 170 people... is a transport Standard and FT ships as well?
b. we all know (I hope) that "there are no ships", and there is no formation being entered to in an ocean somewhere... so does this mean if breakthrough=1 then transport def=def*2 or is it 3 or 4... or is it some other attribute that may or may not be published?
c . It could be something else as well like if breakthrough=1 then transports destroyed=killed ships * .5 etc

the wiki (which I do read) only states that it doubles my chances to get my transports ashore... and whoever wrote that statement also wrote a negative statement about breakthrough saying it is rarely used... making it seem a waste of points...

I appreciate your responses... but I was just hoping to be able to tap some of the game numbers people and get some hard info on what this really does... that's all :)
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