This forum is about best and worse leaders.I gave my opinion of Charl as a leader.
I'm a hypocrite but it is you who telling me to get out of the forums.So who is trying to boss someone on the internet?
I did give advice, read my first reply again this time use google translator.
And you are correct, this forum is nonsense.I didn't create the forum, but i sure can reply however i want.If you don't like what i have to say, then tough .
Yes, this
thread is about the Best/Worst Leaders you can think of but you didn't give an opinion only about Charl, you distinguished pretty much everyone who uses the forum to be a bad Grepolis player which is ridiculous to judge someone, even me, who hasn't even gotten a chance to show off their skills on the game and has extra time to go onto here and chat with people.
You're a hypocrite, yes but I know I'm a hypocrite and I help other hypocrites from not being a hypocrite and my first language is English (which is funny because I never made a mistake while typing in English), do you think I'm Japanese because of my name? Stereotypical statement there, eh? Also I'm not bossing anyone around, it's a suggestion to help you instead of getting banned for swearing or going overboard on these forums.
I didn't say the forum is nonsense, I said
you are talking nonsense, not the people here. I, however, have been on several different forums throughout my years on the internet and I don't need to know how bad the internet is when I've already been hacked, keylogged, and DDoS'd.
I thank you for your time reading.