Best Player: bend24, oh and did I mention how humble he is?
Best Alliance: WarHammer and its not even close
Best Fighter: well bend24 of course
Best Defender: the noobs from fire nation, acidicdemons, and East coast alliance queens are to afraid to attack bend24. So I guess this award will go to Justsomeoldfish
Best Alliance Leader: Dalec Returns, although the rest of his stats seem to be lacking he has put together a great team which as a leader on multiple servers I know is a real pain in the ****.
Worst Player: billy5555, the noob always sends me threatening messages. I just wish he would deliver on these promises.
Worst Alliance: East Coast Alliance Queens.
Best Alliance Profile: Warhammer, loving that cocky attitude fellas
Worst Alliance Profile: East Coast Alliance Queens, basically a bunch of incoherent words in a language that I believe is some form of English.
Best Player Profile: meh
Worst Player Profile: meh
Best Alliance Name: Scourge
Worst Alliance Name: Any alliance name that has sparta or spartan in it.
Best Player Name: Liquid Gold
Worst Player Name: anything doing with a spartan or sparta