
For general discussion purposes....

Who is THE WORST alliance in this world?

I vote for DETHMATICA...

For the following reasons:

1) Mass recruitment alliance.....Recruited themselves to the top of the world by MASS recruitment methods....

2) Forum usage......One of THE WORST forums I have ever been to.....Their forums are POOR at BEST....no one hardly says anything....Days can go by without anything at all....Very poor communicators...

3) Player participation......Again very poor....D- for that score....players are fumbling around, not knowing what they are doing...Most dont have a clue what is happening...

4) MASS PACTS.....A good alliance needs very few PACTS.....But DETHMATICA has pacts and more pacts and more pacts so many it makes absolutely no sense......It is like they want to hug the whole world..

5) Family type.....At last but not least they want to create ANOTHER alliance to be their family....face palm, to add insult to injury......

6) LEADERSHIP.....The only player that has half a clue what he is doing is DETHMATIC.....the rest in leadership are fumblers and bumblers....They haven't a clue what they are doing, Leadership has changed so many times it boggles the mind....One of the Leaders BLACK BALLER......posted a list of GHOST cities......of course those cities were in 10 different OCEANS.....Way way far away from the core of DETHMATICA.......It was his suggestion/orders to take those cities before anyone else could, never mind the impossibility of supporting those wide flung cities.....

So there you have it, poor English Grammar and all......:p

HERAKLION top alliance......

You make up your mind what your opinion is.....


you blow up and curse at alliance for no reason and than post a message like this i do hope your account becomes banned have a nice day


the name is not derived from a name it is homage to my favorite band megadeth - if i wanted to name it after me it would be bill's alliance lol

and 1. not mra
2. alliance forum averages 30 plus posts a day
3. forums also do not reflect activity as the issue with mobile devices still not resolved and a lot of people play on mobile devices
4. player participation - we have a lot of newer players that are learning the game that we work with on individual levels that are not seen from an insider perspective
5. family ally never discussed - academy though i admit was


the name is not derived from a name it is homage to my favorite band megadeth - if i wanted to name it after me it would be bill's alliance lol

and 1. not mra
2. alliance forum averages 30 plus posts a day
3. forums also do not reflect activity as the issue with mobile devices still not resolved and a lot of people play on mobile devices
4. player participation - we have a lot of newer players that are learning the game that we work with on individual levels that are not seen from an insider perspective
5. family ally never discussed - academy though i admit was

1. Not true, prove to us that it isn't
2. That's not a lot, a decent alliance will get 100, a good one will get 150, a top alliance 200+
3. there is a work around for this
4. If you have an alliance of all new players it's not that good, if you had a few new players with more mentors then it could be good
5. academies are bad


hi decky thanks for comments and you said there is a work around for the forum please inform me of this as i have been searching for one to no avail and i know about postings but early on with minor warring the posting are limited and as you stated actions do speak louder than words and yeah academy is bad that's why it was abandoned, our experienced vs inexperienced is at a 1.25 to 1 ratio but the inexperienced are learning very quickly :)


Let's see if the following is true....

1) Mass recruitment, with ZERO letters to the recruits...No background checks and only wants to remain at the top position....
2) Mass Recruitment is bad enough but keeping their ranks full and keeping inactive players is a horrible way to manage a GOOD alliance.
3) Mass PACTS......A huge number of pacts with other alliances...enough said on that score
4) Inactive forums......Only about 10% of their players actually are active on their forums
5) 75% INEXPERIENCED PLAYERS.......no training at all and they are left to their own devices.
6) Poor management......ZERO activity in the leadership forums.....So far at last count, they have gone through 3 leadership teams with zero success......
7) Black baller one of their leadership suggested to his alliance that they spread out over 7 OCEANS to take GHOST cites exclusively.....7 OCEANS.....face palm......
8) DETHMATIC tribute to himself, greatest idea was to create a couple of other family alliances.....It was his idea to create a massed family alliance that would take over the entire world...
9) ZERO MENTORS....with 75% totally new players....NOT one player came forward to volunteer.....They did not want the responsibility...

So in conclusion.....A poorly run and ill managed alliance, MASS RECRUITED, AND A mass OF pacts......One or two pacts might be good, but 6....I repeat 6 PACTS.....How sad is that.....Then the management team......They do not have any.....Oh yes their TOP player.....Totally new to the game...he is doing very well for being new but soon to quit....

SO in the end draw your own conclusions......

As for this 1.25 to 1 experience vs inexperience....a TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE FABLE....FICTION....

No it was NOT abandoned......But due to this THREAD it probably will be.....He was very recently in talks with LIGHT OF EREBUS...

So go figure.....

Lets review his LIES...

Family alliance was discussed.....
Forum Inactive
Experience vs inexperience....
NO one helping the INEXPERIENCED....fiction on his part...

But guess what, he did get one thing right...


DEATH is AUTOMATIC for dethmatic......:p


Yes, fighting between players on the externals already!!! *grabs popcorn and drink*


not really a fight all to see here is an immature little girl with hormonal issues spewing lies and treachery, but alas I will not stoop to this level of mediocrity.


I think they are just trying to get under your skin Death. I do not know you or the world, so I cannot say. But the best way to shut them up? Win the world...


Deth, if you don't want to be called a MRA, don't be one. I believe in recruiting new players too... to a certain extent. Take a look at my alliance. No one in their right mind would call us a MRA, only #40 in the world, yet #18 in ABP, pretty good average especially for a rim alliance, and take a look at players ocean for 46. I have about a 1:1 ratio of experienced players and new players... the difference between my alliance and yours? I limited recruitment of new players to the fastest growing, most agressive players in my ocean, players who will learn the game quicker and be better at it. You recruited everyone. 30 forum posts is nothing. My alliance has exactly a fifth of your members, and we average about 45. Get your communications up. You are a MRA. So cut the deadweight, increase effeciency, and stop being one.


@ Bailey.....Exactly right....The best way to shut someone up is asking them to prove themselves....Time will prove me right...

@ Exile.......Very well said. DETH knows he made an MRA.....and mass allies that are not the way to go. Deth best strategy is to recruit inactive players then EAT them by internal conquests.....Great way to manage an alliance.....Fight your own inactive players.


like i stated before actions speak louder than words ..... and for your info the only "internals" that were ever taken were the ones you took....lol