Wolves of the Night



We Hunt As A Pack. We Can Never Be Seen. We Walk In The Shadows Of Night Prowling For Our Next Victim. None Can Escape Us As We...Are The Wolves Of The Night

I am founding an alliance and we will be elites. In order to join you have to have reached at least 200,000 points on any world or any server. I have reached 800,000 before on a different account a while ago therefore I cannot show you mine but I promise you that you will not regret being with us. To join please fill out the application below. You may be rejected even if you reach requirements possibly due to battle points and other factors. When the world starts we will be going to the North-West.


How Active You Are (1-10)
Grepostats (Please Post Your URL To You're Best World. Can Be On Any Server):
Activity In Alliance Forums (1-10):
You're Style Of Playing (Pick One): Peaceful/War/Defense/Mixed
Loyalty To Alliance (1-10):

Good Luck To All Joining Gamma. You May Need It If You Go Up Against Us ;)


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Goodluck finding people with those stats :p We got them all harharhar