What is the point of mythical units?


Everything I'm reading says their units to population ratio makes them worse than slingers/hoplites. Am I wrong about any of these? I have a pretty high concentration of all mythical units in my cities and I hate to think about how many resources and faith it takes to create something that would be better off as a bunch of hoplites or whatever.


they fly. you don't need transports. therefore mantis and harpies are better then slings and hops


for attacking with sharp weapons the manticores and medusuas both have a higher aa/f than hops. for attacking with blunt weapons, then harpies have a higher aa/f than horsemen and have the added bonus of flying. for ranged attacks slingers do come out on top when split down by population. however the balanced and attacking myths which use ranged attacks do have a higher defensive value than slingers do, so some people like them. Personally I don't bother with balanced units in off cities so would just stick with slings and in cases where I needed a myth that could do both I, like in conquest cities then I opt for Medusas.


The divine envoys are really bad, I never build them.


Are you kidding? Envoys are the best. no resources for those things.
^btw please dont take me seriously


Mythical units have their ups and downs, some are a must have, others not so much, cerberi are the best land defense units in the game, even if you can't send them to other cities, they save your butt a lot! harpies are okay, but only in a big crowd(otherwise known as a nuke), manticores are the strongest offensive unit in the game as well, with the added bonus of flying, so no transports! in my experience, if someone finds a city with a lot of manticores, they focus on killing them off before anything else, because manti's can tell the difference between keeping a city, or losing it, if the enemy has them, but they do have good qualities, just look into them, and pick and choose which ones suit your fighting style best.


They're just cool. All the cool kids have mythical units.

That's the point.