What could have been one of the best alliances, Dissolved, by a coward.


What could have very easily been one of the best alliances (Vikings) in Chi world, Dissolved----

Why you ask? I will tell you.

Yesterday I Ratso, along with my Co-Founder wriked1 receive a message from Sons of Liberty along the lines of "boot that player you just recruited, or we will declare war on you." Naturally I told them, "you want war you got it." The world is fairly new and we are quite a ways from one another, so I blew it off.

This is where it gets interesting---Now bear in mind our alliance Vikings had a vast amount of experience with a number of players dating back to 2009-2010 on En servers, and playing steady through the last 3-4 years. Many of us had won crowns on En. servers. A threat of war is nothing to most of our members, except for one.

My co-founder wriked1 wet his pants when I told Sons of Liberty to bring it on. He instantly started bellyaching, sending messages all over the world trying to stop this threat (lmao). I got mad and stepped out of the alliance to cool down---Big mistake. wriked1 changed the alliance name, and took leaders right from not only long time grepo buddies but from real life friends---forcing some of them to say forget this, I quit.

Then he dissolved the alliance.

I received numerous letters about this incident, some wanting to know why wriked1 booted me (that's right he told players he booted me), and other messages calling wriked1 a number of names and wanting me back in leadership.

What could have been and should have been a fierce fighting, strong alliance is no more, all due to one "leader" being a coward.

I stand by my values, that nobody (especially in a game) will threaten me, I cower to nobody.

Not sure how to BBCode here, first time forum poster.
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Sounds like a great alliance to me. You could get a spot on Jerry Springer. Is Jerry still on the air?


its a shame that the co founder quit, if i quit a world i give the 2nd in command all the rights...


sad when one quits a GAME because of a threat. Sounds like he needs a Sim world.


The guy is whining and bellyaching, and you step out of the alliance? What do you expect?


actually that's a good point also. couldn't have been one of the best alliances if the leadership wasn't good. You left instead of helping and he caved and closed it. Don't see much difference between either of you.