What a joke of an endgame excluding over half the cities in 44,45,54,55

  • Thread starter DeletedUser7205
  • Start date


@InnoGames - please retire this crap ending forever. Just look at this map and tell players outside this pitiful ring why your Domination Game would ever be playing again seriously. It should be called "Domination er Most In The Middle".



Lmao. So many things to respond to here.

1) they tell you literally in the description of dom at the beginning of the world that the ring starts from the middle of the map and works outward. Why do you think GAL only conquested cities in the middle of the map? Did you think we did this just because we felt like it?

2) the size of the ring depends on the number of cities on the map

3) the ring you made here isn't even accurate. It extends much farther than this.

4) why do you even care? You claimed over and over in the world chat that you weren't trying that hard on this world.


No one is questioning your knowledge of the "Domination" end game you ding dong. Congratulations for being the master of the worst, least competitive world ever.

This is a gripe with Inno games not you or any other player.

My entire point is THIS END GAME STINKS because it eliminates any point in playing if you are not near the middle of the tiny circle of 99 oceans. Domination as it is currently designed is basically garbage for 60% of the players.

Why do I care? I guess I should stop caring but it's pretty sad for those of us that really enjoyed the game in years past, watch it get tweaked and messed with seeming just making it worse almost every time. How do I know it is worse? People are not playing anymore might be a pretty strong indicator.


LMFAO 'ding dong' huh. this ding dong wiped the floor with your alliance. there's a reason it's called 'domination.' we dominated everyone we came across. you say 'least competitive', I say, we smashed every alliance we fought, especially yours, even though at one point I'm pretty sure you had 3x the amount of players. you played terribly. and it showed.

everyone knows the rules, and knew what they had to do. why would inno reward alliances for getting their ***es handed to them by making the domination circle larger than the world??? literally makes zero sense. this isn't the forum for complaining about endgame, and you know it. you could also tag mods, and you haven't done that either. you're really just mad because you lost. and not only did you lose, you got absolutely embarrassed. go lose some other world now and stop using the endgame as a red herring.


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Mine? I came here to sell resources for gold and just played because I was bored after being rimmed two times while gold farming. Also, I told you in both chat and in game that there if you lose this world that you are the worst Grep players ever because your team was so stacked and so far ahead with two months left in the game. Your brilliant screen shot from grepolife.com only further shows just how horrid and unbalanced this world was. The goal of Grep should have a game that is not a blowout inside the first 4 weeks of the world.

I could not care less about losing this world. It was BORING.

For the record, I have said the Domination end game is garbage for well over two years. Why? Because it is garbage.


Mine? I came here to sell resources for gold and just played because I was bored after being rimmed two times while gold farming.

Again, then why do you even care. Every time you respond to me you just confirm everyone else's opinion that you do, in fact, care.

"My team was stacked" bro we had half our alliance in VM by early July, there was plenty of time for you to turn it around. No one, and I repeat, not a single person, took advantage of this.

My screenshot shows how horribly your, yes your, alliance played. You were in it, weren't you? If you didn't want to be a part of it, then why join them at all? A lot of mixed messages here, buddy. Also, I hope people in similar situations in later worlds see how non-committal you are. But I guarantee if your alliance had somehow beaten us you'd be the first to parade around.

The screenshot also shows the top fighters, and how similar those numbers are. However, the unbalanced city takes is the real key here, and very telling. Basically, this shows that although your alliance was active they got absolutely demolished by us.

Domination is the simplest end game. it's completely straight forward. take the most cities in the middle of the map. it could not be any simpler. Grepolis, furthermore, is as interesting as you make it. You could have done a dozen things to hamper us. Never did it once.

Just take the L buddy. You're exposing yourself.


everyone knows the rules, and knew what they had to do. why would inno reward alliances for getting their ***es handed to them by making the domination circle larger than the world??? literally makes zero sense. this isn't the forum for complaining about endgame, and you know it. you could also tag mods, and you haven't done that either. you're really just mad because you lost. and not only did you lose, you got absolutely embarrassed. go lose some other world now and stop using the endgame as a red herring.

The whole point of things like WW and olympus being accessible anywhere on the map is what makes it worth it for players to keep playing after they get rimmed or something. I joined kas a month late on the same island as scot and we were already beyond where the dom zone ended up. on a WW world we would still theoretically have a shot at getting some of the wonders if we played our cards right but on dom we literally had 0 chance of winning from the start. Dom worlds after maybe the first 2-3 weeks arent even worth joining for new players because they are already beyond having a chance at winning, other gamemodes at least give them a chance.


The whole point of things like WW and olympus being accessible anywhere on the map is what makes it worth it for players to keep playing after they get rimmed or something. I joined kas a month late on the same island as scot and we were already beyond where the dom zone ended up. on a WW world we would still theoretically have a shot at getting some of the wonders if we played our cards right but on dom we literally had 0 chance of winning from the start. Dom worlds after maybe the first 2-3 weeks arent even worth joining for new players because they are already beyond having a chance at winning, other gamemodes at least give them a chance.

that is a totally fair point. however, your placement is random. there are cities in 54 center, etc. just starting. The game does not automatically place you outside of the circle, that was just a little unlucky. they make it random, so that you cannot time a mass start up in the middle, etc., but at least you have a shot. even if you don't, take a city in the middle of the map and see what happens. load it with defense and make some moves. where you are ultimately placed does not make much difference, if you're a good player.


that is a totally fair point. however, your placement is random. there are cities in 54 center, etc. just starting. The game does not automatically place you outside of the circle, that was just a little unlucky. they make it random, so that you cannot time a mass start up in the middle, etc., but at least you have a shot. even if you don't, take a city in the middle of the map and see what happens. load it with defense and make some moves. where you are ultimately placed does not make much difference, if you're a good player.
Sure you can do that no doubt, i got multiple cities in the zone before i left. So did scot. Problem is though that just grabbing a couple of cities doesn't play well for long before you are forced against the established powers of the world. Like you said, everyone knows the rules from the start.. so all of the alliances that are there on day one are scrambling to hold a chunk of the center oceans so as a new player (or new alliance) you are put at a multi-million point disadvantage and are forced to take the offensive against behemoth alliances (compared to your own) to get your own chunk of that endgame circle.

As far as the placement goes for joining i think that people are still spawning in the center has a lot to say about the gamemode, people just dont bother joining after a few weeks even if they may spawn inside the circle because they basically get pinned in it and are forced to bite off more than they can chew


The strategy here is not hard. Since morale is on, founding a couple of cities in the center of the world is the next logical step. Which some started doing far too late. Having a bunch of low morale players go on the offensive can wreak havoc on a core. There is more strategy to it than that, and there are other things you can do. Certainly it takes a concerted effort, but it is not a hopeless situation. As I said, inno rewards the players who have dominated the center. Doing the opposite would make no logical sense. Otherwise, why play from the beginning of the world at all? There has to be some sort of logic to this that you understand.


The strategy here is not hard. Since morale is on, founding a couple of cities in the center of the world is the next logical step. Which some started doing far too late. Having a bunch of low morale players go on the offensive can wreak havoc on a core. There is more strategy to it than that, and there are other things you can do. Certainly it takes a concerted effort, but it is not a hopeless situation. As I said, inno rewards the players who have dominated the center. Doing the opposite would make no logical sense. Otherwise, why play from the beginning of the world at all? There has to be some sort of logic to this that you understand.
Its not that i dont understand where you are coming from, just the whole advantage of being there first imo should be just having a headstart in the progression/size field not that you are in the only area that matters for the endgame. With morale and founding on islands in the center you are starting to get into world specific settings and playerbase which shouldnt be deciding on whether you are able to compete or not. If the world has a tiny playerbase like kas and morale sure you have a better chance because fewer islands are populated in the center and even a good portion of them get anchors, but in a highly populated world like an en world that doesnt work and no morale wouldnt help that situation either. A good solution could be that they include rocks in the domination circle as well as islands but that isnt a thing currently so on a really populated world if you arent in the server within the first day or two you are basically screwed out of having a chance at winning.


Certainly, if morale wasn't on, this would have been a crazy lopsided world, can't argue that.

But to suggest that you 'have' to be there at the beginning of the world to compete is just not true. I would say roughly 2/3 of the players we have in GAL now either weren't around at the start of the world, or were not in GAL for the first month - month and a half of the world. In fact, a lot of the players we have we fought them for half the server.

Also, suggesting that founding on islands doesn't work if there are more people is a non-sequitur. Just because there are more players in a specific world doesn't mean founding is automatically ineffective. Keep in mind, also, that bigger worlds also have bigger dom circles, and therefore renders your initial point moot to begin with about being placed in a unlucky location on the map.


Certainly, if morale wasn't on, this would have been a crazy lopsided world, can't argue that.

But to suggest that you 'have' to be there at the beginning of the world to compete is just not true. I would say roughly 2/3 of the players we have in GAL now either weren't around at the start of the world, or were not in GAL for the first month - month and a half of the world. In fact, a lot of the players we have we fought them for half the server.

Also, suggesting that founding on islands doesn't work if there are more people is a non-sequitur. Just because there are more players in a specific world doesn't mean founding is automatically ineffective. Keep in mind, also, that bigger worlds also have bigger dom circles, and therefore renders your initial point moot to begin with about being placed in a unlucky location on the map.

I suggest then that you wait until 3 months before the next DOM world hits the DOM Era, you join on the rim and try working your way in to see how easy it is... You DO have to start early and be placed in or near the center of the map. Or work some political magic to get there. That said, I do want to point out a point you made earlier about "wiping" Scot's team on the floor...

Dude, LOL. The team was garbage LONG before Scot joined. You knew that. Don't try to sh*t on him when he was literally the ONLY person/leader who had a real brain. You guys had already "Wiped" them long before he ever even joined the world as it were. Let's not twist the truth here.

At the end of the day, this world did NOT have any competition from the get go. So don't act like this world was hard. GAL was the only team with a clue and you have H3ll to essentially thank for that since he has a brain - and you guys picked up all the heavy golders to either start or worked them in. That said, no going to discredit the win but let us once again not play ourselves (or really, yourself) in thinking this world was even remotely hard and that GAL dominated in war. GAL dominated, because there was almost nothing to actually dominate. Mediocre teams, decent or terrible leaders, poor to no fighting strategy at all, is what you won against. We all know the slower worlds get the crappiest of players with little to no skill. Come join fast worlds and we'll see how well you (or GAL) fairs. And I can assure you it won't be too well for most - and I know a LOT of your teammates, personally.

Anyways, being back on topic, after seeing the actual map, I have to agree with Scot. Course, this world is ridiculously tiny, but still.


why would i wait 3 months to join a dom world? seems to me like y'all are mad about not being able to join at any time and immediately compete to win a world, which, I guess I will have to state for a 3rd time, yes of course inno rewards those who have been around from the beginning, otherwise why start at the beginning of the world.

Honestly I don't know when scot joined. I don't know why I would have known that.

The heavy golding was an absolute myth. UncleBuckk of course golded a lot, as did a few others. But nothing out of control. I made all my gold in the market, where most of if came from Vague/USS Alliances.

As for competition, easy to talk sh*t about the world when we don't know your IGN. Sounds like you had first hand knowledge of Scot's alliance though, so I am sure I could make a few guesses. I have a feeling though, like most of the people I deal with on here, that you're all talk. I don't really make threats, I just beat the **** out of people, so I won't bother addressing this.
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Certainly, if morale wasn't on, this would have been a crazy lopsided world, can't argue that.

But to suggest that you 'have' to be there at the beginning of the world to compete is just not true. I would say roughly 2/3 of the players we have in GAL now either weren't around at the start of the world, or were not in GAL for the first month - month and a half of the world. In fact, a lot of the players we have we fought them for half the server.

Also, suggesting that founding on islands doesn't work if there are more people is a non-sequitur. Just because there are more players in a specific world doesn't mean founding is automatically ineffective. Keep in mind, also, that bigger worlds also have bigger dom circles, and therefore renders your initial point moot to begin with about being placed in a unlucky location on the map.
Ok, when you find a dom world where an alliance a month late to the world truly competes in the endgame ill back down from that statement. A month into this world GAL already had dominated the world, it would have taken a miracle to turn things around.

Of course you can join an established alliance late game and reap the benefits of the work they put in... Im talking about the majority who cant just jump onto a team that is about to win the world.

I have first hand knowledge of USS, and our whole entire playerbase was just so unorganized it was pitiful. I joined them almost 2 months into the world about a week after scot hopped in, and i dont think i saw much of any success there at all. I only had to deal with maybe 6-7 GAL CS attempts over the course of my time on the world and i guess i just wasnt a priority because it was always pretty simple to deal with. Maybe if 99% of uss didnt get revolted by HC's basically any time they came around they could have had a shot at fighting back.


You're right, by that point we had already taken out almost anyone of note. That was part of the strategy we employed. Take out their top players first. You weren't attacked much because you were on the fringes of the map, not really close to us for a while. Since we pretty much CS on island only, you weren't a priority. I've heard these same complaints in other worlds I've played in, this is all nothing new. Learn strategy and stop complaining about the rules. I think we've pretty much exhausted this conversation unless the dude above wants to give us his IGN and then i can actually give him some perspective


Ok, when you find a dom world where an alliance a month late to the world truly competes in the endgame ill back down from that statement. A month into this world GAL already had dominated the world, it would have taken a miracle to turn things around.

Of course you can join an established alliance late game and reap the benefits of the work they put in... Im talking about the majority who cant just jump onto a team that is about to win the world.

I have first hand knowledge of USS, and our whole entire playerbase was just so unorganized it was pitiful. I joined them almost 2 months into the world about a week after scot hopped in, and i dont think i saw much of any success there at all. I only had to deal with maybe 6-7 GAL CS attempts over the course of my time on the world and i guess i just wasnt a priority because it was always pretty simple to deal with. Maybe if 99% of uss didnt get revolted by HC's basically any time they came around they could have had a shot at fighting back.

To be fair, when Eviction was still enemies with GAR you guys refused to ally with us. I was pretty small then an maybe I don't know enough about what the grepolitics at that time, but numbers don't lie and they show that eviction took more cities from yall than they lost. As far as I know, Bellaa spent most of their time beating on Eviction internals/simmers to the point where now that they're in vm, almost all red cities in o55 are theirs. IMO y'all dropped ur best chance by not properly pacting with us. How do you let the alliance already in the lead cozy up to the only other significant alliance outside of Vague/RT?? Anyways I only had like 4 cities at that point so I can't speak much on it.


You're right, by that point we had already taken out almost anyone of note. That was part of the strategy we employed. Take out their top players first. You weren't attacked much because you were on the fringes of the map, not really close to us for a while. Since we pretty much CS on island only, you weren't a priority. I've heard these same complaints in other worlds I've played in, this is all nothing new. Learn strategy and stop complaining about the rules. I think we've pretty much exhausted this conversation unless the dude above wants to give us his IGN and then i can actually give him some perspective
I was on island with GAL for the majority of my time on the world... Spent a good 4 months on the world and 3 of them on island with GAL on a few islands, one being about 80% GAL but i barely got touched outside of a handful of times. Everyone was focused on internalizing the people constantly quitting the world because of how lopsided it was.

To be fair, when Eviction was still enemies with GAR you guys refused to ally with us. I was pretty small then an maybe I don't know enough about what the grepolitics at that time, but numbers don't lie and they show that eviction took more cities from yall than they lost. As far as I know, Bellaa spent most of their time beating on Eviction internals/simmers to the point where now that they're in vm, almost all red cities in o55 are theirs. IMO y'all dropped ur best chance by not properly pacting with us. How do you let the alliance already in the lead cozy up to the only other significant alliance outside of Vague/RT?? Anyways I only had like 4 cities at that point so I can't speak much on it.
Thats why scot left actually, leadership in uss wasnt cut for the job. Even with EN against gal with uss i doubt anything would have changed, even if EN is a great alliance USS was a dumpster fire. We had some individual leaders who knew what they were doing including scot, but there were a few heavy hitters in leadership who just threw their weight around to get what they wanted which was usually the bad decision.


I was on island with GAL for the majority of my time on the world... Spent a good 4 months on the world and 3 of them on island with GAL on a few islands, one being about 80% GAL but i barely got touched outside of a handful of times. Everyone was focused on internalizing the people constantly quitting the world because of how lopsided it was.

There's no nice way to say this so I'll just say it, you weren't relevant enough for us to turn our attention on you. I didn't even know you existed for most of the world.

We weren't focusing on your internals, we were causing them to rage quit by taking their cities.


Eviction had basically all but like 2 leaders not in VM at any given time but they still ended up in the better position. Y'all must have had some beyond atrocious leaders