Wars Or Skirmishes


Just my two cents here but there is a reason things happen. Kill was happily wrecking havok in 44 and pretty oblivious to the mess in other oceans.

Then one day some alliances merge to form the number one alliance. We wouldn't have minded except in the process 12 or so high profile players in 44 we wanted to kill or recruit found themselves in this number one alliance. At the same time the alliance fighting said number one alliance who we now found ourselves sharing a common target with approached us with an offer to work together.

We could have just declared war on our own. The number of people they would have been fighting would have been the same. But we're mostly lazy noobs and we needed all the help we could get to take out a few stragglers in our ocean ^^ Plus we were scared. Like a lot.

Hope that explains things.

Note to self, next time I won't recruit in all 4 oceans. Oh wait we're just in 44 doh.


heh. havoc in the externals.. well.. i guess its part of the game lolz. actually u guys are keepin it quite civilized here in the US.

anyways.. they are good and bad alliances, just like everywhere.. signs have been shown, time will tell i guess. bp's are still low if you know what i mean.

ill do a top 10 shortly, mostly as a self-training, see if i still got the long vision. the underrated prediction was spot on (templars jumpin to Kill). lets see how i do here :p

good day to u all in RL and in our lil utopic world, called grepo!

if it wasnt for the money nowadays, i would say this lil world could be anarchy on the makin lolz. why i started playing grepo years ago..


Nothing better to do he is pretty lonely, just an old man who sit on computer all day and plays grep only time he get "human interaction" no life......no wife....you get my point

except for this one. this is not civilized. this is bush person talkin.
how would u like your personal posted in here instead?
u call yourself a personality?
this is direct insult. makin fun of anothers personal life.
do u know if peeps playing mmo's got trouble in real life? and what kind of trouble would they be into? and u makin fun of it?
what are u? a 10 year old ? soz. 10 years old got something or are taught to have something called respect. u dont. where that does put u?
u should be gone from this forum and from grepo overall.
u disgrace your members, friends and grepo community.


except for this one. this is not civilized. this is bush person talkin.
how would u like your personal posted in here instead?
u call yourself a personality?
this is direct insult. makin fun of anothers personal life.
do u know if peeps playing mmo's got trouble in real life? and what kind of trouble would they be into? and u makin fun of it?
what are u? a 10 year old ? soz. 10 years old got something or are taught to have something called respect. u don't. where that does put u?
u should be gone from this forum and from grepo overall.
u disgrace your members, friends and grepo community.
In comes the other butt hurt ex TFW member has The Hounds of Hell treating you guys.....anytime someone comes for me personally I will always return fire, but its cute you come to bae's recuse its funny though thought grown men could fight there on battles when they start something guess not... all in all your message made no sense really just a bunch of random words strung together mostly. With the been said I really don't know how to respond other then to say learn how to speak English I know your not american but once again if your gonna insult me at least make it make sense....and I thought i talked poor lol


And PS stop trying to make bush league a thing just because a group of old men with no lives keep saying doesn't mean its gonna become a thing its 2016, and try something other then calling me 10 that's been done before first time people want to say on grep when feeling are hurt .
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really? english not my native. do u speak other languages except for english? cause i do speak my native, english and german. and i dont think anybody that read it didnt understand what i am saying.

i would stand up for every person that is treated this way.

what he told u was that u suck in grepo. first of all, really u dont? second is that an insult? u take grepo so seriously that u insult people like this? i think u got no life buddddyyyyy

isnt this embarassing enough for you already?

u keep saying in skype forum u dont care about the real life probs one might have and what u said was perfectly ok.. and u still show yourself as a personality to reckon?

get a grip.


u must be a very sad person.:confused: id like to help you in some way


In comes the other butt hurt ex TFW member has The Hounds of Hell treating you guys....

i left your alliance remember. u didnt kick me.

HoH.. u wanna come and see how this alliance is run? then i would have to kick you though ;)


i left your alliance remember. u didnt kick me.

HoH.. u wanna come and see how this alliance is run? then i would have to kick you though ;)
Why would anyone want to join a trash alliance?


I'm no grammar expert myself, but in the context of trash talking someone's grammar, would this be irony?
If you read what I said I never said anything about his grammar I talked about how what he says makes no sense, like when you read what he types I don't understand most of what he is saying, and I feel like if you are going to argue with someone (for no reason) at least make sense when you do it. I maybe to lazy to type "you're" and put "your" instead but at least you can understand what I am saying I know the propery way to do things just don't see the effect in doing them...its is grepo after all. So I don't really see the irony


and prolly u are the only one thats sad enough, to believe what u are sayin.

i am not expecting an answer btw. cause u told publicly (skype forum) u dont talk to non-Americans.:)

its 2016 as u say over and over again. such prejudice (the least worse i can describe it), is long erased by people that have even the minimum amount of education.


Ghosting would help :3 Granted taking your cities would be a cake walk regardless hahaha
is this your taste of a cake walk? i have more reports to show u if u like



Well Fight Club is in war with the top 3 alliances because they decided to all work together lol


Fight club now has only 1 city in O44 (Which will be dealt with). Next up to purge, O54 :D