To Die For is the second worst alliance on Theta (after TB) TS will win this war single-handed
I have looked around these forums for awhile before posting anything. I couldn't help but notice that there are one or two players from the same alliances talking all the smack.
I remember when admiral eat it was blowm3 , and striker and that bunch and played with gangsters paradise. I remember when some current top reckoning members belonged with alliances now long gone, like the musketeers and kanna2.
I can remember fighting wars with some of those members when one transport ship full of troops or a dozen biremes meant the difference between victory and defeat. We had all fought eachother so intensely and for so long that everybody on all sides had been beaten and bruised, nobody went unscathed. I once sniped five successive CS attampts from spin, and had him snipe two of mine in the process, once with only 12 biremes, because niether of us had enough left to overpower the other. We all had alot of fun, and at times it just came down to had the energy to stay up all night and keep up the pressure.
Those guys I am talking about. The ones who were there, in the trenches when the chip went down, I just cant help but notice, are not on here talking smack.
And I will respectfully not talk any smack about them, thier former alliances or anything else. Because we have all come to respect eachother. You see: thats what happens when you fight eachother down to the last man standing. You learn to respect eachother. The ones who were there, know who they are and understand exactly what I mean here.
I dont know who will win or lose this server, and I am not going to pretend I can predict the future. I can say this: the most closely knit and active alliance will win. Those who work as a team.
TB, and to die for have chances as good as anybody else. And have some good players to boot.
I'll just wait and see