Upsilon Milestones
Polis Count
2 Towns:
5 Towns:
10 Towns:
25 Towns:
50 Towns:
100 Towns:
250 Towns:
2,000 Points: Dudeof Longago
5,000 Points:
10,000 Points:
25,000 Points:
50,000 Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Attack Battle Points
1k Pts:
2k Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Defense Battle Points
1k Points:
2k Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Total Battle Points
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Alliance Milestones
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
5 Million Points:
10 Million Points:
25 Million Points:
50 Million Points:
Average Points
(Must have at least 20 members)
1k Points: Dulce et Decorum
5k points:
10k points:
20k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
Battle Points Attack
1k: Dulce et Decorum
5k: Dulce et Decorum
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Battle Points Defense
1k: Dulce et Decorum
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Battle Points Total
5k Points: Dulce et Decorum
10k Points: Dulce et Decorum
25k Points:
50k Points:
100k points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Miscellaneous Milestones
First Little War (25 Conquests on each side):
First Big War (50 Conquests on each side):
First Major War (200 Conquests on each side):
First person to...
Conquer an active player (2,000+ pts.):
Conquer an inactive or ghost player:
Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 10+members): Zanderman1432
Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 30+members): Zanderman1432
Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):
Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..):
Rim a Mod (has to be active):
Alliance Miscellaneous Milestones
First alliance to...
Build a World Wonder:
Build 2 World Wonders:
Build 4 World Wonders:
Conquer 50 cities from another alliance:
Conquer 100 cities from another alliance:
Take 50 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Take 100 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Achieve 1,000 colonization gains:
Achieve 5,000 colonization gains:
Top their ocean's player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min):
Top global player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min.):
Top two of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
Top all four of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
To have a Public Coalition formed against them (three top 12 alliances must all be over 400k pts.):
Polis Count
2 Towns:
5 Towns:
10 Towns:
25 Towns:
50 Towns:
100 Towns:
250 Towns:
2,000 Points: Dudeof Longago
5,000 Points:
10,000 Points:
25,000 Points:
50,000 Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Attack Battle Points
1k Pts:
2k Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Defense Battle Points
1k Points:
2k Points:
5k Points:
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
125k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Total Battle Points
10k Points:
25k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
Alliance Milestones
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
2 Million Points:
5 Million Points:
10 Million Points:
25 Million Points:
50 Million Points:
Average Points
(Must have at least 20 members)
1k Points: Dulce et Decorum
5k points:
10k points:
20k Points:
50k Points:
100k Points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million Points:
Battle Points Attack
1k: Dulce et Decorum
5k: Dulce et Decorum
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Battle Points Defense
1k: Dulce et Decorum
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Battle Points Total
5k Points: Dulce et Decorum
10k Points: Dulce et Decorum
25k Points:
50k Points:
100k points:
250k Points:
500k Points:
1 Million:
5 Million:
10 Million:
20 Million:
Miscellaneous Milestones
First Little War (25 Conquests on each side):
First Big War (50 Conquests on each side):
First Major War (200 Conquests on each side):
First person to...
Conquer an active player (2,000+ pts.):
Conquer an inactive or ghost player:
Perform a Minor Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 10+members): Zanderman1432
Perform a Major Disband (With founder rights, dissolve an alliance that has 30+members): Zanderman1432
Perform a Major Sabotage (with leader rights, kick out every member):
Betray their alliance (When two alliances are at war, one member switches sides..):
Rim a Mod (has to be active):
Alliance Miscellaneous Milestones
First alliance to...
Build a World Wonder:
Build 2 World Wonders:
Build 4 World Wonders:
Conquer 50 cities from another alliance:
Conquer 100 cities from another alliance:
Take 50 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Take 100 cities in one week (will use grepostats as proof):
Achieve 1,000 colonization gains:
Achieve 5,000 colonization gains:
Top their ocean's player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min):
Top global player ranks (each player must have 5 cities min.):
Top two of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
Top all four of the core oceans (must have at least 100 cities in each):
To have a Public Coalition formed against them (three top 12 alliances must all be over 400k pts.):
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