Update warnings


As everyone knows updates commonly mess with peoples alarms, its basic knowledge at this point to anyone who plays. I didn't have any issues this morning personally but I really think that these updates need to be announced at least 24 hours in advance in game so that people are prepared for them. I hate waking up to see an update and realizing that i could have been without an alarm for hours and not had a single clue.

If you mods announce anything for the love of god at least announce updates, i know on EN they announce all of the updates before they happen well in advance but on US they rarely if ever announce them. That needs to change.


As everyone knows updates commonly mess with peoples alarms, its basic knowledge at this point to anyone who plays. I didn't have any issues this morning personally but I really think that these updates need to be announced at least 24 hours in advance in game so that people are prepared for them. I hate waking up to see an update and realizing that i could have been without an alarm for hours and not had a single clue.

If you mods announce anything for the love of god at least announce updates, i know on EN they announce all of the updates before they happen well in advance but on US they rarely if ever announce them. That needs to change.

Yes, please. I know it's not something grepo planned, but no one can play this game without alarms effectively.


I wish they cared about us as much as they do en servers.


Alarms have always been an issue. I hope the developers are able to actually spend some time into making alarms efficient. If this continues, player counts will most likely decline as well.