Update to V2.27


Dear players,

On Tuesday, August 7th, Grepolis will be updated to version 2.27. There may be some downtime during the updates and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.

The changelog is as follows:

- Added a Hall of Fame on the start page;
- Illegal actions for players who declared their shared connection are now directly blocked by the game;
- Replaced the text box and the clear button with a new fully featured text box from mass-recruit overview in the trade overview;
- All JS alerts ("do you really want to…" Y/N) have been replaced with game-styled question windows;
- Added a new graphic on the buy gold tab when the email address has not been validated yet;
- Improvement of the militia popup window when you get attacked;
- Changed the behaviour of some windows so that they create a "fade-out" layer to keep users attention (so called "modal" windows);
- "Due" commands (commands which already landed) in the command overview are now grayed out, have no counter and display a "work in progress" icon;
- Improvement of the invite players via email: you can now send a custom text to the invitee;
- Google Play Badge has been integrated on the start pages;

- All members were marked as "Founders" in the alliance members list;
- Players got wrong bonus of the last daily reward level;
- Fixed a bug where in some rare cases the game was not loaded after refresh;
- Long player names overlapped points in alliance member list;
- Fixed a bug where accepting own offers used a wrong delivery time;
- Fixed a problem when getting the favor bonus on a town where the player didn't have any god;
- Fixed problems with failed occupations;
- In the mass recruiting overview, the list wasn't updating itself when a town group was selected;
- Open barracks and docks links in the recruit overview were too large;
- Units under construction appear in negative values in the recruiting window;
- It was not possible to deselect the current town group if all towns were in a group in the the town list;
- Resources where displayed incorrectly until game was refreshed;
- Divine Statue graphics are placed incorrectly on the city overview;
- Timers goes crazy when user filters towns when time being expired in the trade overview;
- Coins not refreshed when spying in the cave;
- Wrong background position of spell icons in recruiting overview;
- Fixed collisions between Troop overview & Barracks windows (having both open at the same time could lead to scripts conflict disabling barracks functionality).

Thanks for playing!

All the best,
The Grepolis Team


- Illegal actions for players who declared their shared connection are now directly blocked by the game;

Someone who uses a shared internet connection say hallelujah.