Unknown Support?


This morning I received troop support fro a city called Nanosrosith, but could not get any info on this city when I tried to click on it like you would when another player sends you something. I think it must have been a game generated city. Has anyone else had this happen? How can you locate a city by city name only?


The quests can support you :eek:.

No, they can't. He just misread the report he got, or a player that named his city Nanosrosith (who knows, we sometimes find really weird names on Grepo :p) supported him. But, I think he supported a quest and he didn't read his report properly. ;-)


It might be a person with that city name. I've gotten randomly supported before, it's kinda weird lol, especially when you trick them into sending even more support lol.


You don't know my random supports... I'm with kyllman on here, the quest probably asked you to suppot it and you might have thought you were attacking it or something.


No I didn't read the report wrong there was no player name just a city where they came from! I think I sent some troops to support some Olympic games of some sort and the troops I got Could have been mine!LOL


No I didn't read the report wrong there was no player name just a city where they came from! I think I sent some troops to support some Olympic games of some sort and the troops I got Could have been mine!LOL

Could you post a screenshot of the report you got please? That would help us tell you where they came from

Maybe you sent support to a quest, then you accepted the quest's reward and you got a report to tell you the troops were coming back...? :confused:


here it is: