Trading Available Capacity


Summary of the Issue
When I go to the farming villages, I try to trade with them my resources for their's but the problem I come across is that I have insufficient capacity to hold the amount I choose. I checked how much I could put into there, I placed a little higher than the amount shown, and I was available to send the trade successfully. The amount shown is incorrect for the capacity limit.

World: Sigma US19
In Game Name: Kuro Okami
Have check the known bugs list: No, could not find.
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes
Have you tried a different computer/laptop/tablet/phone: Yes, I tried my phone and I still have the same issue.
Have you tried a different connection: Yes, open WI-FI restaurant
Full Version or Mobile Version: Full
Browser and Version: Internet Explorer/Google Chrome - v2.44.31196
Overview of the bug: Explained in the summary above.
How often this occurs: Daily
Work Around: There's no way to work around it but I think it's a coding problem though, like a misplaced JS value.