Top 8: Sink or Swim


I wasn't referring to your physical stature, merely your rankings in game
What is respectable to you? Last time i was barley in the top 25. Now im closer to top 10 overall and top 20 in all rankings? Like are you Ricky Bobby's dad or something? "If you aint 1st your last!" I am not a great Grep Player, never claimed to be. Never will be because I have to much going on in RL to ever put the time and effort in this game to be #1 in any world. If its your thing Shock or Hawk or whatever your go by today that's great for you. I have never seen anyone time like you and your team, its impressive. It doesn't mean everyone else is less than. Anyway, I'm fine if I finish in the top 10-20 in this world. I think its respectable even if its not up to snuff for you. Sorry that the rest of the peeps on your team know how you feel about them. Cause there are a lot of them lower than me in the rankings. Yikes.