Hmmmm, Might be time for a new top 12...
1. Riot - they look legit although The Conservative and his bunch are eating cities left and right... How long will they be able to stay number one?
2. The Order - Being allies with them maybe I am a little biased but they are solid. TC brings experience from alpha and looks to have them on the right track. Taking a bunch from Ctheezy has certainly helped them continue to grow.
3. Mafia - More allies of Dynamis. War Dog and Silver Dragon have Mafia whipped back into shape. The three headed monster of Dynamis, Mafia and The Order are starting to look very tough...
4. The Inner Circle I - So many excuses. So many internal issues. Looks Like Arep has his hands full. Will Ctheezy be back? Will they get their defense back in order, and what about their partnership with Elite. How do they deal with Elite now that they took in Jeremie after he trashed the forums.
5. Dynamis - Closing on elite in total bp and we have been around how long? Wonder if Arep still thinks we are just simmers...
6. Elite - Too many inactives are killing them. I do think Kostas has set a record with having his ls nukes seastormed about 10 times in 2 days... Oops...
7. Inner Circle II - Might be time to just bring them over to IC I. Wonder if it will help any?
8. Honeybadgers - Might be the first of any in the top 12 to be gone... Who lasts longer IC II or HB...
9. Kings of Olympus - Helping out a bunch in the north vs south war. They have a place and get stuff done. Nevyn might want to take notes.
10. IA - Oh my old alliance. Johnny - do nothing isnt growing, Funny how jyoungchild gave away cities to the enemy and he is still there.
11. Ukw Spartan 300 - I think riot and ic are close to finishing them off... Merging with grodster wont help them much.
12. 420 buds - What is left of trailer park riot. They will merge soon most likely...