Top 12 Sink or Swim


I agree. You do not have to be offended by it though. LOL! You need to look into what i said.

We were not too happy about it either, but when there is no one left in the world to attack and you cannot get BP to take your next city... you have two choices. Spend money (which makes no sense, since you know the world will be shutdown) or attack each other for fun... especially when you know that you killed everyone and no one is left to a point where innogames closes the world without a winner.

It made sense to us at the time. It was like, we were kings of the hill as an alliance, now it was the chance to see who was king of the hill as individuals. Its hard to explain, but you would be surprised how everyone acts once you find out they are going to shut down a world without a winner because you killed everyone.

It really sucked. Made you feel like there is no point to playing the game. And that was why i left for a little while.

fair enough here but what you said was you would attack each other on mon and gain slots to run an op and take cities form enemies the impression you gave was it had been goin on the entire time


fair enough here but what you said was you would attack each other on mon and gain slots to run an op and take cities form enemies the impression you gave was it had been goin on the entire time


on one hand they they say they had no enemies
on the other hand they said they attacked each other for bp so they had slots to attack their enemies..

smell summat?


and they are back as

gods of sparta became -gods of sparta-
demigods of sparta became *gods of sparta*
spartan gods became gods of sparta

or something...
just to really confuse everyone..

And infamous recruiting from the totally unlinked and unassociated Dire Wolves
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lol told you they were still there. Just a new alias.. didnt someone else say we changed names a lot..


Sorry did not mean to confuse everyone. Just figured since we are just 1 alliance easier to have 1 name. ;)


or dont reruit 100 people so u need 3 alliances (ik i shouldn't talk cuz of my alliance) but seriously warlords is lookin like a fav cuz of low numbers yet high ranking


I led to the downfall of Zero Tolerance.

Zero Tolerance~Sink, stragglers merge with Saints Matter


You didnt do anything but create a fake academy, you really should stop posting


I'll do a top 10 Sink or Swim

1. Antimatter (ABP#2, DBP#8 )---This is my alliance so I will not comment on it. I do think things are going well but that's my bias opinion.

2. Warlords (ABP#1, DBP#3)---This alliance has many experienced players, very high average. I think they are allstar with players, however they are very spread out so it will be interesting to see how they are able to work as a team. I have heard that they are undergoing new leadership so let's see how that changes things. They may end up splitting apart. SWIM for now

3 Dire Wolves (ABP#4, DBP#4)---Started off pretty strong, but seems to be that they were just good at mass recruiting, it might be just me but I think they are losing steam now. On their 3rd academy now and a couple of alliances might be out to get them just they don't want the EN to happen again. SINK

4. Infamous (ABP#3,DBP#3)---Part of Dire Wolves, doing better than the mother alliance in my opinion. Has a nice core. FLOAT

5. Dire Wolves II (ABP#5,DBP#15)---Academy of Dire Wolves, same as above SINK

6. The Third Wheel (ABP#6,DBP#13)---Don't know much about them, I mean I don't have much experience being the third wheel. :p Have two good players (rulik, and zero point) but besides that idk. A core in south 045 but then get spread out FLOAT/SINK

7. Polar Vortex (ABP#7, DBP#28 )---No one seems to be attacking them atm. Don't very good in my experience with dealing with them. SINK

8.Gods of Sparta (ABP#11, DBP#6)---Definitely on a downward spiral, their academies seem to have fallen apart and they are losing ranking SINK

9. The Fifth Wheel (ABP#22, DBP#25)---not much fighters, same as Third Wheel...Also who stole the 2nd and 4th wheels? :mad:. SINK

10. The Wheel (ABP#15, DBP#11)---Same as above SINK
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And infamous recruiting from the totally unlinked and unassociated Dire Wolves

player was joining us all along just droped before us so was in dw for protection and to ficilitate move

but i see it really scares u all incase we are associated guess that y we have had 0 attacks yet my guess will stay that way


4. Infamous (ABP#3,DBP#3)---Part of Dire Wolves, doing better than the mother alliance in my opinion. Has a nice core. FLOAT

wow u guys are really scared of us if we was part of dw we wold be called dw we are not part of them at all yes some memeber my self included have played with some of theirs i also played with oliver in paros that make me part of his allainces as well ????