The Q&A with the Grepolis.US team! - Edition 1



Dear players,

Some time ago I sent out a message to all players about us creating a Q&A for players to send in questions. I decided to do this as part of the ongoing effort of Grepolis United's vision to make the game more transparent to the players. We received many questions and now is the first edition of The Q&A. Please send in more questions and as we fill the inbox, we will put out more of these. We did NOT answer all questions (there were quite a few and some submitted did not meet the guidelines set). Without further ado, here goes....

Q1: Daedalus, what is a Community Manager? What do you do?

A: The role of the Community Manager (CoMa) is to make sure that things with the assigned server are going smoothly. I work directly for InnoGames and I am responsible for hiring all moderators (both in game and forums) and making sure that all rules are held to. I also collect information from the players and deliver that to the rest of the Grepolis team. When we first opened this server, I pretty much did everything from forum moderating, in game moderating, etc. Now that we have been around a bit longer, I have managed to get a few volunteer moderators to help me out. Some of you have noticed that I had added quite a few mods and I will be adding more in time.

I also deliver information from the Grepolis team to you all. The Grepolis United project, The DevBlog, the Changelogs, and unit rebalancing are just a few of the things that the Grepolis team sends to me to share with you all via forum post and in game communications. I also manage the Grepolis.US Facebook page. It is my responsibility to do what it takes to ensure players enjoy playing the game, socializing on the forums, and in turn referring their friends so that our server grows. More players is better for everyone. I am sure I am missing a few things, but all in all, that's a quick synopsis of my job here.

Q2: What is the typical punishment if a player gets caught letting someone else log on to his or her account to send an attack for them?

A: We got this question or some variation of it a few times. The short answer is that I can't tell you. What I can say is that our punishments for rules violations are not something we publish because it will do more harm than good. There are so many variables in the ways players break the rules, and with that we adjust the punishments accordingly. To publish a list of punishments would require we list out every possible violation and the variables that go with them. Frankly, that's just not something that is reasonable to do. In general, the punishments range from a timed ban to a permanent ban, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. There are some violations that give attackable bans and others that are not attackable. Some violations are just a ban on one world while others remove a player from all worlds. Some penalties are a simple warning. I realize this answer will spawn a ton of other questions about the penalties for breaking rules, but I will not be delving any further into this subject. This answer is the best I will be giving you. Suffice it to say that we take rules violations very seriously and we will punish appropriately based on the crime.

Q3: Do we submit the questions here or elsewhere?

A: You got the right spot. :)

Q4: We need airships! I realize this game is set in ancient times, but the ancients had some ideas about flight! What if the academy found out how to master the skies? It would add another aspect to this game that would be awesome!

A: The DevBlog is a great place to share this kind of info. Other than the obvious winged mythical units, and my namesake creating the Wings of Icarus, I am not aware of any other flight options, but that does not mean we shouldn't consider it.


Q5: How old do I need to be to become a mod?

A: 18 is the minimum age on this server to become a mod. You can apply to be a moderator HERE.

Q6: What is the purpose of the forums, I don't get it?

A: The forums provide a place for players to go to read about the game, find guides, and get questions answered. The forums also provide a more social aspect to the game that is not fulfilled via alliance forums and private messaging. It gives players a place to talk with other Grepolis players about the game and (in the off topic areas) other discussions on topics that interest our community. It can also provide a secondary level of entertainment from the game via PnP (politics and propaganda) where players can talk about wars and other alliances.

One of my goals as CoMa is to make our forums a more social place to be. Yes, the forums are dedicated to the game, but I also want players to come here to discuss any topic they want and hear from others. There are topics about music and movies. There are forum games (where they players keep trying to count!). It is my desire to see the forums become as must a part of your experience with Grepolis as the game itself. If you have not registered for the forums, please do. Join the community and the discussion. If you have ideas on ways to make this a better place to be, I want to hear them.

Q7: How much population space do I need to conquer a farm?


The wiki details what you need to know on this, however there were a few questions that were asked where the wiki would come into great help. I am guessing that some players are simply not aware the wiki exists. We share a wiki with the International server (as both of us are English speaking servers, no reason to duplicate effort) and it is full of great information that will help new players learn various aspects of the game. The wiki is linked in your game window at the bottom. It's the little W on the far right:


I am a big fan of the wiki and the wiki mod (TheOnlyThomas) updates it regularly and adds content. If there is any content you would like to see added, start a thread HERE.

Thank you all for taking the time to submit questions. If you would like to submit a question, click HERE and post a reply. The reply will be invisible to everyone else so don't worry if you can't see it. -Adonis is itching for some good graphics questions so send them in!!! I look forward to the next Q&A!


Your Grepolis.US Team