The new Grepolis app discussion thread


bring it to android :)
Okay so I went on the Devblog and asked when it was coming to Android, Marcel replied that there was no release date for it. I'm rather unhappy about this Apple users have an advantage now being able to access a functioning app while we are left with an app that does little more than reply to messages. And we are left out to dry because no one will attempt to fix the problems with the old app (many many problems).


I'm with HLR on this one.... I feel it's a huge advantage for iPhone users over Android users with the new mobile app. The only thing I'm capable of doing is reading some messages, reading the fora (can't reply, it's bugged for me) and look someone up in the rankings. We don't have a map, so we can't scroll around - the old app is pretty much useless, the only reason I'm still using it is to get a notification of incomming attacks.

I'm not sure why iPhone users are being favoured here; if it were only a week or so inbetween releases, sure, I could live with that. But there isn't even an estimated date for the Android app... 'Somewhere in 2013' was the best they'd give as an answer. I find this rather unacceptable; I've been looking forward to the new Grepolis App, since I'm not at home a lot and am stuck with the old App.


The reason, as I have stated before, is because there are more players using the iPhone/iPad/iPod to play than Android based devices. We were not going to hold the app from release to get the droid one completed, so this is what happens. I have been told it will be another few weeks before the Droid version is released.

If I had a magic wand to wave and have it here for you, I certainly would. But I don't so you, along with everyone else who uses an Android based device, will have to wait. (This includes me as I have a Samsung Galaxy S4, but I use the iOS version on my iPad)


Honestly I don't even use the new app :p It warned me of attacks for like a couple days, then it stopped for some reason and I'm too lazy to bother with it, it's really buggy and always lags and closes out, doesn't let me read the forums, I only use it when sending timed attacks really because of its updating time, other than that the old app is primarily what I use when on my phone.


Hey guys, i played grepo many years ago from pc and loved it.

I had a few clans on a game called spartan wars for mobile and believe me the second i saw grepo had a functioning mobile app i started moving my best and brightest here. The alliance limits on new worlds seems to be an ever tightening noose thats preventing me from bringing them all but thats beside the point.

I brought a scouting force to sigma us19 and they love it! We are thinking of starting in tau now that ppl are more familiar, however the alliance limit and conquest give me pause. Id rather they learned on revolt world if one is coming out soon.

My issue, and i know ive taken a minute getting to it, is the direction choice when restarting or joining a world. One of the reasons i want them to restart at all instead of rolling with the learning curve is many we're not asked a direction when creating their account on sigma and we are all over gods creation.

I chose to restart my account to attempt to land closer and Was asked in my email link a direction, however i minimized and chatted then opened the grepo app and was randomly placed without being asked a direction.

Ill freely admit i put the account in deletion and created another in order to choose the proper direction and Still got random placed.

I intend to move my boyz in a couple days as well as bring more from spartan wars. We are almost exclusively mobile users. Is this a glitch or can we expect to be asked a direction when we all switch?

Id like to give them the best start obviously as i know with a good start they will enjoy grepo for many years to come. Is there anything i can do to ensure a compass direction is asked when they create?

Also as founder i find my hands tied in many areas by the mobile app such as banner, viewing linked reports etc. all things im sure are in the works and can be dealt with from our end until then. However placement is absolutely clutch.




When will the Grepolis app come out for the Windows Phone 7.5+? I assume several months as not many people use it, but it'd be nice to know when it'll be coming.