Speed messed up?


World speed and unit speed was supposed to be 4.... it definitely isnt... anyone know why? (sorry ranger i needed a guinea pig)
Screenshot (58).png


There was an error on launch after reset were some of the values reset to their defaults.
unfortunately on an active world, I cannot change this. So I've alerted our team to ensure this issue doesnt occur again, and have updated the requisite pages with the current world information.
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There was an error on launch after reset were some of the values reset to their defaults.
unfortunately on an active world, I cannot change this. So I've alerted our team to ensure this issue doesnt occur again, and have updated the requisite pages with the current world information.
A lot more of the settings than just speed are jacked up ive noticed since i posted, looks like its 2 world speed, 1 unit speed, and 1 trade speed, no nb, morale, 40 alliance cap, and 5 day bp

So world speed is wrong, unit speed is wrong, trade speed is wrong, nb is wrong, and bp is a day shorter than it was supposed to be


The things affected were unit and trade speed, as well as the BP and NB. I apologize tremendously for this issue that occurred, but the information has been updated accordingly.
There was an error on launch after reset were some of the values reset to their defaults.
unfortunately on an active world, I cannot change this. So I've alerted our team to ensure this issue doesnt occur again, and have updated the requisite pages with the current world information.
Okay cool, I understand mistakes happen but I have already brought starter packs for this world and no longer wish to continue it with the new settings, I know many other players have done the same, will we be allowed refunds?


The things affected were unit and trade speed, as well as the BP and NB. I apologize tremendously for this issue that occurred, but the information has been updated accordingly.

Is this a joke? We came with an EN team to play this world on US because its high speed and thats what we want to play. We didnt come here for speed 1 lol. Will be demanding refunds for this from support as this is a blatant oversight on innos behalf.

Can you not just RESET the world? I dont think ANYONE would have a problem with that. Much better solution than playing out the server with 4/1/1 which are ridiculous settings. This simply isn't acceptable.

Also, with this speed setting, I dont think any teams that dropped here will even want to remain to play (and there have only been 2 so far so this world is already half dead, keeping these settings will 100% ensure its dead)
Is this a joke? We came with an EN team to play this world on US because its high speed and thats what we want to play. We didnt come here for speed 1 lol. Will be demanding refunds for this from support as this is a blatant oversight on innos behalf.

Can you not just RESET the world? I dont think ANYONE would have a problem with that. Much better solution than playing out the server with 4/1/1 which are ridiculous settings. This simply isn't acceptable.
I would not mind a reset, as it is I do not think many players will continue in this world as the setting will make everything hectic, a reset or maybe you can drop an entirely new world in the next week?


so, we are consumers, and basically, we read the information printed on the box, and decide this is a product we want to invest in. now we get home, and open the box, and find out that what is in the box, is not a match. we contact customer support to get our correct product. and the response is, "we can't swap out the product for you, but we'll issue you a box that matches the product you received". that is not an ethical business practice. will your customers who purchased starter packages, or spent gold, be offered refunds?


How can a team be so incompetent that this is allowed to happen?

Came from En to play a high speed world. Bought gold and then get hit with this.

I will be demanding either a 100% refund of my purchase, or I will simply chargeback. Up to you guys


So, I will inquire to the possibility of a reset, as this was 100% on us, regardless of if it was due to a bug, it still negatively affected many users and I apologize greatly for that.
With that said, if anyone also wants a refund based on this, I also understand that and please submit through our support system.

Mr Smith

IMO no one will be playing this world. I think the best solution would be to close this world and start one with the correct settings that were announced. @Ryvirath


So, I will inquire to the possibility of a reset, as this was 100% on us, regardless of if it was due to a bug, it still negatively affected many users and I apologize greatly for that.
With that said, if anyone also wants a refund based on this, I also understand that and please submit through our support system.

I've sent a total of three tickets through support by now (the earliest being from about 11am~ server time if i remember correctly), all of which were ignored so this doesn't exactly fill me with hope.


Why couldn't you have just done that without making it such a big fuss. I'm so confused?

There was an error on launch after reset were some of the values reset to their defaults.
unfortunately on an active world, I cannot change this. So I've alerted our team to ensure this issue doesnt occur again, and have updated the requisite pages with the current world information.


Because I needed approval first, which in the interim I didn't want to confuse players who saw it, and I was unclear when I would get confirmation to do so, as changing settings mid world can result in unintended negative results.

So, it should now all be sorted, but again I want to apologize tremendously for the issue.
Our technical team is aware and looking into the issue so it doesnt pop back up.


Because I needed approval first, which in the interim I didn't want to confuse players who saw it, and I was unclear when I would get confirmation to do so, as changing settings mid world can result in unintended negative results.

So, it should now all be sorted, but again I want to apologize tremendously for the issue.
Our technical team is aware and looking into the issue so it doesnt pop back up.
Well great at least its fixed lol, was really worried there for a second after your first post. Thanks for working quickly to resolve this issue.