Speed 1 Worlds Need an Extra Culture Creator


There are people in this game who habitually dodge attacks. Attacks can't be recalled after ten minutes. Nothing to attack means no battle points. On speed 1 this means many hours of time wasted time even when you know hours in advance the attack is being dodged due to a spy. In addition, on a speed 1 world, it takes an exorbitant amount of time or gold to gather 15,000 wood, 18,000 stone, and 15,000 silver, basically rendering the city festival useless. There needs to be another way to gain culture points on a speed 1 world besides the standard 3.
Well, you already gave enaugh gold to reach 7 culture levels
what the players without gold should say?
and since you dont have enemies in your oceans, you wont get fights to get battle points. On O.44-54 you are just you and your sister alliance.
And to attack us, for example, 1 or 2 oceans away, i am sure its not worth the distance

so yes.. without enemies on your oceans, and not tons of gold for 24/7 olympic games on every city, dont expect much.
But as i said already, u are way to front of the rest players, dont complain.

-sorry for bad english, and i dont try to offend anyone-


uh, look at my ranking for attackers. look at my ranking for defenders. then maybe you'll understand WHY I have so many cities. that's all I'm gonna say.


also, look at my city scores. then think about the kind of city score you have with a level 30 academy and a warehouse in the 20s and the fact that you need a level 30 academy and warehouse in the 20s to hold Olympic Games, and the fact that Olympic Games last an entire day.
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Emperor Loki

There will always be people that accuse the skilled of being Golders, because that is the only way they know how to get in the top 100 in a world. So they think that everyone else has to pay to get better ranked...

Howdy Raevonwolff...

I agree on the slowness of this World and you are not the only one that struggles to get extra culture points regardless of how many battles we win...

Good thing the event offers Culture points as a prize... They should make that a little more common


And you know what? I do spend money on the game. I'm not gonna lie. I like the starter packages and here and there, I'll get some gold. But a lot of people spend money on Grepolis. It's designed for it. It's how the company makes money. But I don't go crazy with it like the above suggestion. For example, I had my first failed conquest attempt on this world and it took me days to rebuild my armies. Yes, I used some gold, but a "golder" would have been up and running again in a matter of hours. In any case, I designed my new armies based on the way that player was defending, and conquered the city when my forces were strong again. That also took a lot out of their strength, so I'm currently rebuilding again. I attack small targets when my offense is weaker and large targets when it's stronger, but I never stop attacking. A golder would also have their first city much larger than mine is right now. The only reason I even have cities other than my first city larger than 3000 pts is because I conquered them, not because I golded them up. Everything else is less than 3000. And you know what? I've been top 50 without spending anything and that's when I had much less experience. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't be a true golder. I don't make that kind of money. I'm just on the game a lot. It's my primary leisure activity.


I also got lucky with a lot of nereid spells and manti tokens in the event. OMFG though, there are way too many pegasi reinforcement and defense tokens in that thing.


The other day, I got 50 LS in like six hours by using inventory items, funneling resources from all my cities into one, and trading resources for gold. I didn't spend a dime.

Emperor Loki

It would seem that I taught you well. Raevonwolf... I did the same thing with selling resources for Gold and using it for Advisors and extra event Tokens... I got Double Hydra Tokens for 24 Hyrdras in my City with Poseidon...

I also got Double Pegasi the other day for my 2 Athena Cities...

We may be on opposite Alliances, but I still consider you a friend and I am glad that you took everything that I taught you and became one of the best Players on the US Server...

Good job!


Senior Citizen
Lesson 1: dont play speed one. Its painfully slow. Theres a select group of players that like this speed just because of its slow pace. No need to give it a culture bonus or any other boost. Its meant for the patience and time lacking players.


Meh on that. I join a world when I'm done with another world and it's brand new. I'm not going to wait months and months to play again. I love this game in spite of all its flaws. (And it has a lot) I don't want a huge hole of time in one of the most fun things in my life.