And you know what? I do spend money on the game. I'm not gonna lie. I like the starter packages and here and there, I'll get some gold. But a lot of people spend money on Grepolis. It's designed for it. It's how the company makes money. But I don't go crazy with it like the above suggestion. For example, I had my first failed conquest attempt on this world and it took me days to rebuild my armies. Yes, I used some gold, but a "golder" would have been up and running again in a matter of hours. In any case, I designed my new armies based on the way that player was defending, and conquered the city when my forces were strong again. That also took a lot out of their strength, so I'm currently rebuilding again. I attack small targets when my offense is weaker and large targets when it's stronger, but I never stop attacking. A golder would also have their first city much larger than mine is right now. The only reason I even have cities other than my first city larger than 3000 pts is because I conquered them, not because I golded them up. Everything else is less than 3000. And you know what? I've been top 50 without spending anything and that's when I had much less experience. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't be a true golder. I don't make that kind of money. I'm just on the game a lot. It's my primary leisure activity.