Sink or Swim


Seeker's Sink or Swim

Beast Mode, Beast Mode II (O55/O54) - FLOAT
Notes: Mainly located in O55 and southern O54. Solid experience with the group. Leaders are new to the US Servers. Let's see how they deal with a war on two fronts with the reformation of the worlds MRA, Fight Club.
3 - 7 vs. Mamluks
6 - 1 vs. Fight Club & Co.

Mamluks (O45/O55) - SWIM
Notes: The group that I'm part of. Not much to say here but swim & win here boys and girls.
7 - 3 vs. Beast Mode & Co.
9 - 0 vs. Fight Club & Co.

Fight Club, Fight Club II, Fight Club III (O44/O54) - SINK
Notes: Mainly in O44 & O54. They are a newly formed group comprised of Mongol Empire, WarDawgs & Fight Club most likely to combat the two war front from Mamluks & Beast Mode.
0 - 9 vs. Mamluks
1 - 6 vs. Beast Mode & Co.

World Map

White - Mamluks
Green - Fight Club, Fight Club II, Fight Club III
Red - Beast Mode, Beast Mode II


Senior Citizen
Maybe people shouldn’t have chased off the characters that made the game more fun, the games fine, it’s the hate towards people now that ruins it, check the old chats, It was never so personal. I mean why would you want to play or speak if you’re just going to get abused lol for new players coming into this game it’s intimidating, so they keep quiet. People are here.. you can see with the views on some of the recent threads.


Maybe people shouldn’t have chased off the characters that made the game more fun, the games fine, it’s the hate towards people now that ruins it, check the old chats, It was never so personal. I mean why would you want to play or speak if you’re just going to get abused lol for new players coming into this game it’s intimidating, so they keep quiet. People are here.. you can see with the views on some of the recent thread

People arent here. Go look at threads from the beginning of the game. Sure stuff gets views but its still nothing compared to even the external activity of the old servers let alone the in game player count

anyone who thinks this game isnt on its last leg is kidding themselves