

What is moral ? i cant seem to find any info on it and its been months since i last played


Morale is a game mechanic which determines at which strength your units fight. Morale is implemented into the game to give smaller players an advantage towards the larger players; If you're put next to a 30k player with your little 175 point city, you wouldn't stand a chance. With morale, your have a slightly higher chance: Because of the players' size, he has lower morale when attacking you (30% for example), so his troops will fight at 30% strength instead of 100% strength. The larger the difference in points is, the lower the attackers morale is (if the attacker is larger).

You can not get morale higher than 100%, so if you attack a larger player than yourself, you won't get 110% morale, it will stay at 100%.

I hope this information is sufficient. If not, please state so;)


What determines the amount of moral you have...I assume there is a formula that is available. For example if I plug in 45 when I am running the simulator then all of my guys die. But if I plug in 50...I win with 10% of my guys surviving.


Pretty much if the guy is less than half your points, you'll usually have less than 100 morale against him. You can see the morale you have on the attack order screen just by plugging in some troops.