PnP: Too much confidence


There was very much confidence in the war room being planned on taking TITAN city on their island, whose island you wonder, well Squads core island. They had timed it to perfection to take the city as close to NB as possible so no one could break it.

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Seemed impossible to break at the time with over 60 incoming support and to make things worse they had called support from Squad 2.0, warriors and Eviction Notice. It was going to be 4 alliances against 1.

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More support came in all over the night as they all got too excited, even mantis and slingers started coming in. maybe they were thinking these were good for the siege.

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I failed to SS the last siege before our attacks but they had over 6k hops and almost 4k archers with over 4k birs

*We all knew this was easy to break with no wall and team effort, everyone helped in sending something*
*Attacks were lined to land after NB with about 80 attacks going in*

not even 5 minutes after the NB drops

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Conclusion after 4 alliances tried taking one single city

this barely a week after they tried taking 10 cities and didnt even hold a single siege longer than a minute

Note: Its not the gold that gets you to the top but the experience you put along with the gold that makes you win

(First time doing these hope you all likes the read)


It was really pathetic. 4 alliances could not send enough troops over a period of night bonus to hold just 1 city.

I can't believe what I just saw.


It was really pathetic. 4 alliances could not send enough troops over a period of night bonus to hold just 1 city.

I can't believe what I just saw.
I've got a few things to clear up here that I also cleared up in the world chat last night...

1. The 2 alliances outside of squad were included last minute, like 10 mins after the siege began i messaged leaders of both. Can't blame them for not all being active in NB. We didn't expect titan to dodge a CS like that... still has me confused...

2. Titan could have broken the siege alone with his 60% morale had he waited for the NB to end before sending 300+ manti and 1k+ LS at it.... 19 days into the world...

3. You should see an issue with just a few people fielding more units than the entire world has at this point. Whats pathetic is that people spend so much money on a game to get an advantage over people to pump up their egos...

If you can honestly say that this is a fair shake 19 days into the world you are either lying to yourself or you are just plain stupid. Only like 8 or 9 guys even landed a single attack on the siege. 5 of them did basically all of the damage.


Friday, I respect you but, The golding should not be used as an excuse. And if the other alliances were told last minute, why did you wait to the last minute? You know Titan (CLINT) is a golder, then you also know he has the skills. (Does anyone deny he has skills?) Trying to take one of his cities was foolish. You wanted to make a point to motivate your team, instead it was completely humiliated. I can only imagine the moral on that side. Oh, by the way, i just found out it was 6 alliances not 4. But that's not confirmed.


Note: Its not the gold that gets you to the top but the experience you put along with the gold that makes you win

Nah it's the gold broski. But of course you don't want to admit it and be on your dads bad side. It's easy to talk when you're being backed up by your daddy Titans credit card ain't it? :p Doesn't take a lot of skill to BUY everything you want in the game.

"Note": Morale definitely isn't low over here, actually quite the opposite. Would be better if we had access to your dads credit card though tbh.


Friday, I respect you but, The golding should not be used as an excuse. And if the other alliances were told last minute, why did you wait to the last minute? You know Titan (CLINT) is a golder, then you also know he has the skills. (Does anyone deny he has skills?) Trying to take one of his cities was foolish. You wanted to make a point to motivate your team, instead it was completely humiliated. I can only imagine the moral on that side. Oh, by the way, i just found out it was 6 alliances not 4. But that's not confirmed.
I didnt tell anyone because I thought he knew what he was doing and was going to kill my cs... Then all of the sudden i get a report with just militia and 2 archers with no backsnipe behind my cs... Thats when I let everyone know. He literally let me walk in.

Then he sent 300+ manti 100+ harpies and 1k+ ls to their deaths in the middle of NB with 65% morale... He 100% could have broken the siege with just his own manti's alone if he just thought about it for 2 seconds, but he just threw them away and didnt even get half of the BP he should have out of it. He showed 0 skill last night, he just used the brute force of his gold to throw troops at a siege during NB for some reason.

I will use the gold as an excuse, Because no normal player can get that kind of firepower in 19 days of a server... Buying gold to get such a huge advantage in the game isnt skill. Its not like we got hit by your entire alliance to make up that kill count on my wall, a total of 13 people hit the siege before it died. Only 7 of them hit more than once or twice, which made up the vast majority of those kills on my wall save maybe 600-800 LS and ~75 manti. Plenty of people use gold, I trade for it on both of the worlds im playing and use it as i get it. and so does most of everyone else to some extent. But when people are using thousands of dollars of gold in just a few short weeks of a server there is a huge balance issue it creates, you can't deny that.

I recognize you guys have some very skilled players on your roster, and I know for sure on a level playing field we would both have a hard time gaining an edge on each other. But without gold I can't say the same about titan, I've just seen him make too many dumb mistakes in the short time i've come to know him for me to believe he would be more than a mediocre player. I don't know him outside of this world alone though. Maybe im just seeing an abnormal amount of mistakes though, I'm definitely willing to concede that point if i saw something that would change my mind.

As for the alliance count in there, Squad/2.0 (2), Warriors (3), EN (4). That should be it.


The gold excuse in this particular siege is irrelevant. Please allow me to explain.
1) The siege was broken by the team. Titans attack landed after it was already broken, as did my 2 pathetic flyers.
2) Let's assume that is was my city. A terrible player with no money to spend on gold. The same players would have sent the same attacks to break the same siege.
3) I have a theory about what might've happened. The other alliances left Squad to fend for themselves. Yeah there was about 4 or 5 alliances helping out, but I think most told themselves that it was not worth sending their troops to die in a futile conquest. However, this is just a theory.

About the morale. I'm not there, but I've never been in an alliance that morale goes up after being humiliated so many times.

But what do i know.


Having friends in both groups, I'll give my perspective as a leader from other servers and somebody not in either alliances. I'll start with Squad then cover TE.


It took 4 teams to put up 3.8k ships and less than 20k DLU total I believe. If you saw my screen shot from the En127 siege I posted, I just want to point out all the DLU comes from one team.

2) Gold doesn't really make or break a morale server all that much mainly because of LMDs. As Friday pointed out, Titan could have broken it on 60 morale. Sure you can do that during an event. Event ends July 14th, have fun chucking into 60 morale after that.

3) The concept that Squad has a team that's more skilled but is losing purely because of gold is kind of funny when about half the transports in the top set of images are currently dead because either nobody MMed and pinged to pull them or they let a large amount of people play conquest without alarms. Also I'm going to go over the dual break in a moment but who leaches a dual break siege? Even in night bonus that's kind of dumb.

True Elite:

Chucking into a siege in night bonus. This was a pretty easy break and this team gave good ratios and unnecessarily killed their own troops. Even if the event was good for fliers, this still wouldn't cut it against high competition. Its just giving out worse BP ratios. Now it looks like it was mostly Titan and it probably was just an honest mistake since he hasn't been around in a long time. But still, can't really fairly criticize both sides if I omit this.

2) One dual break is bad enough. Two dual breaks is a tier of bad I haven't seen since En113. And before somebody says "its good BP", its stupid to unnecessarily kill both of your siege break options in one go. Like we are really just one guy MMing gibberish about seal clubbing away from being an En113 clone.

3) Chip shots, from what I hear some tried to organize the break so the main nukes would go but people more or less just ignored that and sent what they had...because again "BP". To their credit though they did manage to kill the siege and sink the transports. But you never send small attacks into a siege, the defender gets better ratios + its harder to start rebuilding a myth nuke from scratch than it is with 20 harpies, or 10 mantis.

This is why you do a flyer/LS count before you send a single attack. Any good alliance has a policy to ping a leader and not chuck or try to call your own siege.


Gold has everything to do with it. You can literally buy laurels for the event now. While it's true gold has been around forever, back in the day you couldn't really abuse it to the extent you can now. Honestly, it's a bit of a joke now. They wonder why they can't even get the first 4 oceans full, this is why


Gold makes it easier, yes. The game died off awhile ago. It is what it is. Some people you thik sped thousands of dollars on gold really dont spend much at all. Join every world and gold trade them bam, you can gold stuff up. Theres ways for everyone to gold at some point. Its a lame excuse. Its a cop out excuse. "He has gold so I cant stop him from seiging me" backsnipe brother. I'm not a conquest player and I can do that. Experiece will beat gold.

Just. Get. Good.

(infraction points incoming, sorry lurks)

Quit Crying about it cause doing that isnt gonna do a damn thing
Gold makes it easier, yes. The game died off awhile ago. It is what it is. Some people you thik sped thousands of dollars on gold really dont spend much at all. Join every world and gold trade them bam, you can gold stuff up. Theres ways for everyone to gold at some point. Its a lame excuse. Its a cop out excuse. "He has gold so I cant stop him from seiging me" backsnipe brother. I'm not a conquest player and I can do that. Experiece will beat gold.

Just. Get. Good.

(infraction points incoming, sorry lurks)

Quit Crying about it cause doing that isnt gonna do a damn thing
Lol, I mean you are not 100% wrong but if you think gold trading can come anywhere near to acquiring the amount of gold heavy spenders use your just plain wrong. You are also right when you say experience beats gold, but not always. "just backsnipe" does not always work. Lets paint a picture, you have an incoming cs, you backsnipe with your 600 slingers losing 200, they gold up another one, you were able to build 50 additional slingers during this time, you backsnipe the next one with 450 losing 250 this time (you are losing more because you do not have as many), they gold another, you backsnipe again but your 250 slingers are not enough and now you`re under siege. Obviously, you need experience as well but when a single player can acquire more firepower than an entire alliance no amount of strategy can overcome that. I am not saying squad has better players, I personally think it's about even when it comes to strategy, but saying that gold does not matter and experience can overcome it is either means you are naive or just dumb (or have not played against gold users).
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Lmao Ive been around since 2013 under different names. Gold has always been an excuse even at the start. Obviously gold plays a factor. But that cant be the only excuse anyone ever has.

Heres a thought. Golders grow faster than everyone else in their alliance, right? Hit them first. Or hit their alliance. In other worlds, Dimale for example, We have made golders quit. They dont want to endlessly throw money if it wont benefit them. Or they turn into only helping themselves. It happens in every world Ive ever played in. All you have to is be smart about how you play, and quit using it as an excuse.

Everyone moans about something that has been in grep since the very beginning. Get over it. It's a part of the game.

Im made almost 22k gold in this world before The True Elite decided to take my cities. Thats enough to build nukes and build a wall in revolt worlds.

I play with Gold users, against gold users, hell I even played as one in the past. It's not an excuse. Some people are just awful sometimes and want to blame it on something that someone else wants to use that is a fair tactic. They still have to farm, move rss, wait on moving heroes and that like the rest of us. The gold users I know are smart about it and don't fork over "tHoUsAnDs oF dOlLaRs" like some of you seem to think they do.

You mean to tell me that you had had $80 you could spend once a month to have an advantage, you wouldn't do it?
"No cause that rUiNeD gReP"

Nah this game was ruined when they stopped listening to us, but here we still are. And everyone complains about golders but then what happens when a new world opens? People join. I've seen people join worlds after proclaiming they will never play again becasue of golders but there they are.
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Little addition here.

Does gold put a lot of people at a disadvantage? Yes it does. I do understand that. The term "golder" wasnt coined for awhile, but I early worlds no one world say anything if somebody was. Its only a problem because people stopped playing due to real life, which is far more important, so you so "a lot more of it", which is actually that its more obvious. Its about the same amount of golders every world, just a higher percentage due to lack of activity.

The player base died because when new people come around a lot of people dont want to take the time to help them learn. They are just more food.
Little addition here.

Does gold put a lot of people at a disadvantage? Yes it does. I do understand that. The term "golder" wasnt coined for awhile, but I early worlds no one world say anything if somebody was. Its only a problem because people stopped playing due to real life, which is far more important, so you so "a lot more of it", which is actually that its more obvious. Its about the same amount of golders every world, just a higher percentage due to lack of activity.

The player base died because when new people come around a lot of people dont want to take the time to help them learn. They are just more food.
Lmao Ive been around since 2013 under different names. Gold has always been an excuse even at the start. Obviously gold plays a factor. But that cant be the only excuse anyone ever has.

Heres a thought. Golders grow faster than everyone else in their alliance, right? Hit them first. Or hit their alliance. In other worlds, Dimale for example, We have made golders quit. They dont want to endlessly throw money if it wont benefit them. Or they turn into only helping themselves. It happens in every world Ive ever played in. All you have to is be smart about how you play, and quit using it as an excuse.

Everyone moans about something that has been in grep since the very beginning. Get over it. It's a part of the game.

Im made almost 22k gold in this world before The True Elite decided to take my cities. Thats enough to build nukes and build a wall in revolt worlds.

I play with Gold users, against gold users, hell I even played as one in the past. It's not an excuse. Some people are just awful sometimes and want to blame it on something that someone else wants to use that is a fair tactic. They still have to farm, move rss, wait on moving heroes and that like the rest of us. The gold users I know are smart about it and don't fork over "tHoUsAnDs oF dOlLaRs" like some of you seem to think they do.

You mean to tell me that you had had $80 you could spend once a month to have an advantage, you wouldn't do it?
"No cause that rUiNeD gReP"

Nah this game was ruined when they stopped listening to us, but here we still are. And everyone complains about golders but then what happens when a new world opens? People join. I've seen people join worlds after proclaiming they will never play again becasue of golders but there they are.

I mean how can you realistically hit them early when they have 5 cities before beginners protection even wears off, not to mention attacking them actually means nothing, you can always buy more resources, and as for not spending thousands of dollars, Titan (or I guess his name is Clint?) bragged about dropping 1200$ on this world when it first open and has the gold to prove it, so yes it does give a huge advantage. Second, I have been playing grepolis for the better part of 8 years and the server activity has definitely severely decreased, now many players obviously left for RL reasons or the decline can be attributed to the decline in all broswer games in general, but I know at least 10 players who left because they get targeted and hit by players with 10 cities when they have 3 and they started at the same time. Personally, I do not even consider grepolis to be a free game anymore, you have to be willing to drop some cash in order to compete. Third, nobody wants to have to farm 3 worlds prior to being able to play one world in the big leagues, many players only play during the summer months or select times out of the year and saying that they need to gold trade in one world to play in another is the wrong answer. Like Friday said before I would gladly pay a 20-30$ fee to play in a world with no gold.

The use of gold to get an advantage is fine, the problem is currently gold gives to large of advantage if limits were set to how much you could spend a day or remove the instant completion factor and replace it with something else the game would have a much more manageable playing field and Golders would still have an advantage.
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you have to be willing to drop some cash in order to compete
As someone who doesn't drop any cash into Grep, you don't need gold to compete (At least defensively). You just need to be active and know what you're doing. Sure they'll eventually win, but you can still get plenty more BP than they do.