Mythcal units ?


As of late I have been worshiping Zeus in some of the worlds I play. Are Mythical units what are your thoughts on them ? Are they really worth the expense ?



Yes, almost all are, just depended on the situation for what is best. I always have a flying nuke too. Very useful to get past bir walls.


manti and harpies for offense, cerbs and pegs for defense


So Cwill477, what is the typical size of your flying nuke? They are so expensive that I only have very few of each.

Also, do you ever use Medusa?


My flying nukes max out the pop, every time. I demolish buildings as low as possible for them to still meet my needs and then all pop goes to the flying units(except for a trip in every alliance city that is on the island). The number of units will vary though as the pop per unit varies.
I find having a few medusa in your first city is beneficial for farming and other attacks. I don't believe it is the best attacker, but I have heard of people making medusa nukes to be used offensively and defensively late in the game.


For overland attacks that don't require transports, Medusa has the highest attack value of all units in the game. By sea, it's still a good attacker, but overland it's a beast.


For overland attacks that don't require transports, Medusa has the highest attack value of all units in the game. By sea, it's still a good attacker, but overland it's a beast.
Hades-Erinys 1210 distance attack
Hera- Medusa 425 sharp attack
I dont think Medusa has the highest attack value.


Medusa takes up 18 pop, Erinys takes up 55 pop.

1210/55= 22 ranged attack per unit, making Erinys slightly less effective then slingers.

425/18= 23.6 sharp attack per unit, giving Medusa a nice edge over hoplites, who have a sharp attack of 16.

However, Manticores can fly and have a sharp attack of 21 per pop, making them my favored attacking unit.

Cerberus, Pegasus, Centaurs and Cyclops make up the best defensive units, with a notable reference to Medusa who is decent at everything and great when paired with swordsmen, but not one of my favorites.

Cerberus and Cyclops specialty are both defending against distance. Cerbs offer a 52.5 defense against slings, making them more effective over Cyclops against distance weapons. However Cyclops make up with there smaller amount of sharp defense with a slightly better sharp defense, and since they're still better than swords with 30 some distance defense (too lazy to check exactly, I know the rest of these off the top of my head because I've done the calculations before) I like to pair them with hoplites. Hoplites provide the blunt defense, Cyclops give a slightly better distance defense then swords and a slightly lesser defense against sharps then archers, giving me a nicely balanced defense. However, like I said in the beginning, cerbs have almost 20 more defense against distance, which is why so many people prefer them.

Centaurs are a rarely used defensive unit for some reason. They have a 37.5 blunt defense per pop, making them the best blunt defenders in the game (beating out Medusa's 34.77 blunt defense). More importantly, Pegasus' weak spot is blunt defense. By pairing Pegasus and Centaurs together, with slightly less pop spent on centaurs, and then pairing that combination with swordsmen, you get one of the highest, if not the highest (haven't done all the math quite yet) ratio per pop defenses in the game.

The worst myth unit in the game: Minotaurs. With a 14 per pop blunt attack they're less effective attacking then horsemen, not great defenders and overall not worth building.
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Erinys have 1 less attack per pop and way better defense. Hops have 2 better attack than chariots and minotaurs. Though minotaurs have better defense than both. But minotaurs should be compared to horsemen because minotaurs have a blunt attack; hops and chariots have a sharp attack. Horsemen have way better attack. Though minotaurs have much better defense.


Well I compare it to chariots too. In any case your chart proved what I said and proved that minotaurs are only better in blunt defense and cost


A higher attack compared to their non-mythical counterparts. I feel Minotaurs aren't worth it because there's much better blunt defenders (Centaurs for one) that you should use if you're looking for a blunt defender. On offense, they are not nearly as effective as horsemen as they can't carry as much loot and have less attack.

Erinys are definitely not one of my favorites. If I'm going to spend favor, I expect to get a unit that's better then a non-myth unit on attack, or a lot better on defense (I'm offensive minded, so different criteria). But Minotaurs to me are just a little bit below Erinys because Erinys are 1 attack point below slingers, while Minotaurs are 4.33 below horsemen and don't carry as much loot.

Minotaur is a defensive myth unit, but not one of the best and therefore I don't recommend building him.

Erinys is an offensive myth unit, and as far as I can tell she's in the game to give the option of trading a little bit of attack power for some defense, so while slingers are completely open to attack, at least Erinys give you some BP.

Neither of them are good units.


EDIT: Centaurs are not very strong against blunt attacks btw

Meant sharp, Centaurs are strong against sharp and Pegs are weak against sharp and strong against blunt. Swordsmen give the distance defense. Thanks.

Oh, and I would like to point out resources in this game ARE infinite. Sure it takes time, but what ISN'T infinite, is population (although I suppose if you never stopped conquering cities you could argue that). Late in the game, when most people build myth nukes, I'm going to be willing to spend the extra resources for a stronger army. And if your army is stronger, then it doesn't die as quickly, and therefore you spend less resources rebuilding.

And we keep comparing Minotaurs to horsemen because that's the only unit it makes sense to compare them to. They both loot decent. They both have blunt attacks. It only makes sense to compare them, the main difference is Minotaurs can be used on defense as well as offense. Your argument they should be compared to chariots because both Minotaurs and chariots kill horsemen works the same as my argument they should be compared to horsemen because they kill archers. You're just looking at it defensively and I'm just looking at it offensively, and since Minotaurs are a defensive myth unit I can see your argument there.

Oh, and one of these days you and I are going to find something we agree on kharnath.
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The math shows that kharnath is right. However, the centuar-peg combo means you only have to build swords.


my own personal opinion, build harpies and manticores for offense and for defense stick with cerbs. A city stacked with cerbs and archers can hold just about anything off. Everything else is just a waste of time building. Pegasus is highly over rated. And since most people build a slinger nuke since it is cheapest and fastest, the cerb archer combo is the most efficient.