Looking for alliance...

  • Thread starter DeletedUser14836
  • Start date


I am want join best alliance on world...

Requirement :
you are already at the member cap, please kick some one to join me...
you send invite before talk, no one has important thing to say...
recruiting is dont by point, he who hame more point better player, especially critical when everyone under 600 point...

if u meet this requirement send me invite, i join, dont message me or shows u dotn read may requirement, ok maybe if you dont read my requirement you are right place for me then i join anyway...

I experienced leader happy take leader role and make u good...

my qualification:
QUALIfication 2
QuAlIfIcATiOn 3

join me nwo I am is best players! thisisgrepolis


I met an understanding to the army of dear Cutler. when I was alone, I was kingtio attack using hochiminh my city, and I have done this to him, while I was also accepted into the alliance, should curler has expelled me before the council. from this I realized. I look forward to a chance to go back.


I met an understanding to the army of dear Cutler. when I was alone, I was kingtio attack using hochiminh my city, and I have done this to him, while I was also accepted into the alliance, should curler has expelled me before the council. from this I realized. I look forward to a chance to go back.


I also had to withdraw. just moved back to normal, why are all my wrongdoing, not alliance sympathy for me?


Im speechless, dont know if this is real or an attempt to infiltrate us