Introducing The Reservation Tool - A Player Driven Ingame Tool


Hello players and forum goers,

We are always looking for interesting features that will improve the game experience of Grepolis. One of our most valuable tools in order to achieve that is the feedback we get from our awesome community – you! An upcoming community-driven feature we would like to present to you in this article is the Reservation Tool.


So far, alliances have organized reservations internally using the alliance forum. One member would request a town to be reserved for him/her and the leader would approve or disapprove by putting the player’s request in the starting post of your reservation section on the forum. We all know this kind of procedure in similar forms. Well, forget about that. The Reservation Tool is an in-game feature that will just do this for you without the need to use the alliance forum.


You have demanded a feature like this quite a long while back and we have put a lot of thought into this to produce a tool that best suits your wishes, and we are proud to announce that we came up with a very handy and crafty game feature that will allow you to directly reserve towns for you (or your alliance members, if you have administrative rights for that tool). A customizable overview will show you all important details about reserved towns by your alliance members, yourself, or even your allies, if you have chosen to share reservations with them. Special indicators will also visualize town reservations right on your map! So instead of reading through forum lists, you can get all information and access directly through the new and swift Reservation Tool options.

The tool will be activated at a later date. Please watch the forums and ingame for more info.

Thank you

Your Grepolis Team