If someone posted /spammed your alliance forums saying rude/explicit things ...


before leaving for another alliance, would you report them? and if so, how do you go about doing that?
I have screenshots and I don't think this person cares. what he said was vulgar. me thinks he is 15 years old and maybe under the influence of drugs, or just very immature. seriously. so let the goofball go? or hang him out to dry?
what say you?

I could post it here also if that's not against the rules so you all know who he is as well :)


I would say do not report him. If you don't have to deal with him, just let it go. Someone who is dealing with him will report him if he says anything to extreme.


Depends on what he said. If he was extremely offensive to you or other members, then report him. But if he was just messing around, cussing or posting innapropeite pictures, I wouldn't. Your decision.


Actually I failed to mention the first rule I have for my alliance. If it fits this in any way, report him for sure. Other than that, let it slide like I said.



he was just really rude and spammed every tab in our forums before he left with inappropriate things
and spouted some immaturities. We were all actually pretty surprised. it seemed like something someone might do when they were drunk or something and before he left I replied to him about how ironic some of his statements were and he seemed really classy for a 12 year old, to which he replied he was 15. haha. oh well. guess I will let it go. gonna keep the screenshot though since it seems like something someone could get banned for.
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If it is vulger, yes, but I'm sure a mod wouldn't take bribery too well either. Just delete and move on. :-D