Idea: NPC City States, Alliances and Factions


I feel like at this point, this is something that should be introduced to add some unpredictability and variety to the game.

Let's go through each but first, a new Mechanic: Diplomacy.


Adds new features to the Agora, Senate, Marketplace and Temple related to it once they reach certain levels:

  • Agora: Records and tracks NPC City-States and Factions you've encountered on the server.
  • Senate: Diplomacy features unlocked once the Senate reaches Level 10.
  • Marketplace: Trading with NPC City-States and Factions unlocked once the Marketplace reaches level 5.
  • Temple: Favor gained increases by 5% for each NPC City-State aligned with you, up to a maximum of +50%.

Diplomacy is how you interact with NPC Players and Factions. Like players, each one is varied and unpredictable. Some are more willing to be your ally than others, some have zero interest in being friendly with you and others will be wary of you for a while before the decide if they will be friend or foe. In some cases you will need to utterly destroy a City-State before they are willing to submit to you.

Like Players, NPC City-States can Conquer other cities. Not just other City-States but player-controlled cities too. There are benefits and incentives to Befriending or Conquering City-States. Here are a few:

  • War/Wisdom Coins: Conquering a City-State gets you a chest with a massive amount of War/Wisdom Coins among other spoils.
  • Heroes: Sometimes when you Conquer a City, you'll find a Hero who was being held captive. You may also be presented with a Hero when your standing with a City-State reaches a certain level.
  • Resource Tokens: Conquering a City-State gets you a chest with some Resource Tokens among other spoils.
  • The City Itself: Goes without saying. When you Conquer, the Academy will be reset so you won't have to spend Culture Points on it. When your standing with an Ally City State reaches a certain level they may ask to join your empire (must have a free slot to accept).
  • Military Tokens: Diplomacy does have its perks. Once a day one of your allies will give you a normal land or naval token.

This is aside from obviously being able to call upon them for military assistance or just farming them for BP if you want.

NPC Alliances and Factions

Like Players, City-States can form Alliances or be a part of a faction. City-States can't join player-created Alliances and vice versa. The NPC Alliances can either be pacted with Player Alliances or war with Player Alliances. If a City-State you're friendly with is with an enemy alliance, you can persuade them to leave that Alliance.

When a server starts, there will be premade Factions Made up of City-States. There are also Independent City-States. I forgot to say this before but City-States In general can be on both Farm Islands and Rock Islands for reference.

Here's a few interesting Factions you may encounter:

  • Brigands: Bandits, Outlaws and so on. Always enemies to both Players and City-States. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town within a few days of them becoming abandoned.
  • Merchants: Always friendly to Player Characters. You can trade with them for resources or units. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town on a Farm Island, increasing Resource Production for every city on the Island.
  • Agoge: Spartan Warriors, they can be friend or foe. Always ready for a fight, these meatheads may need to be knocked around a bit before they will agree to become an ally...or not. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town from which to train for further combat.
  • Philisophers: Reseachers and Free-Thinkers, always friendly to Player Characters. You can buy Culture Points or Research Points from the for Gold or War/Wisdom Coins. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town on a Farm Island, lowering the resource costs and times for the Academy for every city on the island.
  • Sea Dogs: Greek Sailors who love to sail. They can be friend or foe. Always ready for a challenge, these salty sailors may be willing to join you if you prove yourself worthy. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town from which to build more ships.
  • Priesthood: Stewards of the Gods, always friendly to Player Characters. You can spend Favor, Gold or War/Wisdom Coins to get various empire-wide buffs with various durations. Sometimes they will take over a Ghost Town on a Farm Island, granting increased favor output for to all assigned Gods in every city on the island.
  • Mercenaries: Muscle for hire. These Sellswords can be friend or foe. You can buy their services with Silver or Gold but beat them enough times, they may be willing to fight for you for free. They will sometimes take over a Ghost Town on a Rock Island from which to train for their next battle.

...This is just an overview of course.

I think adding PvE elements to Grep could breathe new life into the game and more so for those who who've left the game for various reasons in recent years. At the same time, the core PvP focus is not lost. In fact, these ideas enhance them further by adding more strategy components.


I like it. Little similar to Olympus style in theory just different means of execution and different scenery. But I like it better, so far.