How can I turn off Attack Alert Siren?


I keep receiving the attack alert siren, no matter what I do to Sounds in my settings. How do I disable this or at least turn it down? My only mechanism now is muting my speakers because the sound muting in the game settings doesn't seem to affect the attack alert sirens.


You could turn off all of your sounds by hitting the circle button that looks like a speaker with two or three curved lines coming out of it. To selective turn off sound, you can go to the Settings menu (the Gear-looking icon at the top-right, next to the Sounds icon) and turn off Effects, Clicking Sounds, or Background Music.


Are you talking about the app? Go to settings, then push notifications and disable attack notifications.


Are you talking about Grepolis Report Converter Revolution Tools? If you have this add-on downloaded, there is a purple octopus in the bottom left-hand corner with a red x, click on the red x. Yes I hate that sound very much.


Thanks Godsword, that was the issue.

Are you talking about Grepolis Report Converter Revolution Tools? If you have this add-on downloaded, there is a purple octopus in the bottom left-hand corner with a red x, click on the red x. Yes I hate that sound very much.

Thank you Godsword. I didn't realize the report converter came with its own warning siren, as it wasn't documented as part of the download features. That fixed it! Appreciate your help!



You could turn off all of your sounds by hitting the circle button that looks like a speaker with two or three curved lines coming out of it. To selective turn off sound, you can go to the Settings menu (the Gear-looking icon at the top-right, next to the Sounds icon) and turn off Effects, Clicking Sounds, or Background Music.

When you have friendly attacks inbound the siren continues every 2 seconds at a blaring rate. If the attack is landing in 24 hrs, you have 24 hrs of siren to hear without muting speakers. Godsword identified it correctly as the Report Converter Revolution tool creating the alarm and I was able to silence it.