Grepolympics Countdown Bug


The countdown for "The Next free attempt" always count down to midnight rather then counting down 24 hours.

World: Pi
In Game Name: Draqone
Have check the known bugs list: Where is it?
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes.
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: Yes.
Have you tried a diffrent connection: No.
Full Version or Mobile Version: Full.
Browser and Version: Chrome 28.0.1500.95
Overview of the bug: As above.
How often this occurs: Daily
Work Around: Relogging sometimes works for others, doesn't for me.

I have a custom timezone set ingame, no idea if that changes anything.
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Yes the first few days it counted down 24 hours for me then it started going until midnight like draqone said.


The issue is occuring for me on Eta :


Hehe, you thought I'd let you know where I put my experience points? :rolleyes:

American servers are the only one where I have this issue, French servers are working fine for me :)


1. It says you have spent 0 points and 2. I thought you said you quit US servers and 3. This makes no sense because you don't even play Eta, unless... You have a different username :eek:


you don't even play Eta, unless... You have a different username :eek:

You don't say :rolleyes:

Enough spam now, why do I have this problem on .us servers and not on .fr servers? :confused: And why is it solved when I wake up (after being logged out for several hours) and not when I simply log out for 10 seconds?


This problem has never happened to me but I know many people in my alliance that this has happened to. If anyone knows why an answer would be very helpful.


Would I be considered "abusing" this bug? I don't always wait 24 hours till the next free attempt cause I can only stay up till midnight half the time.