The Competition:
Find all 10 Grepolis or themed words in the Word Search (see above)
Reply to this thread (not quote, just reply) with the 10 words (please note that all replies in the answer thread are hidden so other people can't see your answer)
Remember.... the words can be in any direction!
Everyone who gets the correct 10 words will be entered for a chance to win (see prizes below).
Cut off for answers is: 26/10/2015 18:00 (GMT+1)
5 winners will be chosen at random from those who submitted a correct answer to the Word Search.
Each winner gets:
Accelerated recruitment 2.5 hrs
Archers 36 for 5 hrs
Ritual: Sudden Aid 7 hrs
Tyche's encouragement: 7 days
on the account of their choosing, provided that account is on the US server.
As always if you use a different IGN please add this to the bottom of your post.
Questions or Comments:
If you have any questions or comments please contact me via PM here. We look forward to your participation and wish you the best of luck!
Your Grepolis Team
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