Final Good Bye From Bayou


Well, her and I have had our differences. Now, it seems we are at least ending on good terms. Just remember, hindsight is 20/20.

BayouBrit said:
Dear All,
I'm leaving this server and have enjoyed very much playing with many of you either fighting you or alongside you. I wanted to say a couple things before I leave and have asked Tyler to post this.

1. It will not right any wrongs but I want to get it off my chest anyway that I have been wrong on many counts. While Tyler plays the game differently than I do I have learned that a lot of my assumptions about him have been in error. I blamed him for faking my emails showing the Forum postings in RS. Understandable as he had the most to gain from this. However I have since come to believe it was not him. I think there was another person, most likely a disgruntled player within RS who I booted out that faked these emails. If the former NA and RS members think aBoat it they will probably know who I'm talking aBoat! And that's not intended to be a poor Canadian accent!
Anyways, apologies to Tyler and the rest of the server for my blaming him.

2. My experience here has been mostly fun but I have learned no matter how good a fighter you are winning or even surviving isn't possible without a good alliance with strong leadership. Although they have been my enemy on the battlefield throughout most of the game on this server The Union are the only alliance on this server I can see with that combination - fighting ability and strong leadership.

3. Finally I have also learned that many things are said about many people but judgment should be reserved for your own personal dealings with other players. I have been as guilty as most of getting excitable and being "mean". I've sent some blistering emails when riled which is silly really. I've received much more "hate" mail too believe me. The lesson is to keep perspective - it's a game and we're all here to have fun.

Good luck to all and maybe I'll see you in battle on other servers.



I knew Bayou and will definitely want to play along side her again someday. And clever with the aBoat thing. :D


Anyone want to enlighten me? I have no idea who is being talked about there lol.


I think the rivalry was the best part, and her leaving on good terms with me was even better.


And this was the highlight of my day. :eek:

I have to say, this will be interesting.


No no, this is no longer the highlight of my day. What happened to WK, that was the highlight. When allies can no longer benefit each other mutually, they just sit next to each other. Now what good is that in a war game? Game on!