Farm Village: Maximum daily resources reached


World: Delta US
In Game Name: Grepolis
Have check the known bugs list: Yes
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: N/A
Have you tried a diffrent connection: N/A
Full Version or Mobile Version: Full
Browser and Version: Opera 2.11
Overview of the bug:
I am on an island that i am the only active city. i am on my 7th week. i am using the commander to demand from the farms. the farms are all lvl 4 (10000 max daily). i only demanded about 10, ten minute times today and have hit the max daily limit. there is no way i demanded 10,000 today. the same thing is happening on my 2nd city but i share it with others. do the farms run out of resources over time? is this a bug or please explain what is going on here?

How often this occurs: First time
Work Around: Unknown


I have the same Issue, 4 total farms, 1=lvl1, 3 =lvl2, 2 lvl2 are maxed. Wondering when it will reset. Thanks


We are aware of the issue and are working on a repair. We have no eta yet.


I am encountering the same issue. Not to agitate Daedalus....just to be aware of another incident. Hope it's fixed soon!:)


I had the issue, and had reported it to support earlier today. My farms recently reset their count, so it may be resolved.


Yes, it is now resolved. Thank you all for your patience.


Yes Hello Daedalus, I have this problem again for the second time. Is this a system wide problem, or isolated to a specific world? Normally the resources have reset around 14:10hrs EST each day. Today that did not happen.

basically same info as above:

World: Delta US
In Game Name: Grepolis
Have check the known bugs list: Yes
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: Yes
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: N/A
Have you tried a diffrent connection: N/A
Full Version or Mobile Version: Full
Browser: Chrome

Second time.
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