Eta's Simmers


You all know I couldn't leave without keeping the ball rolling. King-of-Kings has the same city build (a crap one in my opinion at that) in every city. Caves are pretty low too. Don't let the man intimidate you (or any other indies for that matter)! They sim behind other groups of players for survival, nothing for others because they're scared if I had to guess. If you're not giving it all for those in your alliance, get out. Go sim. But hey, everyone is entitled to play the game how they wish.

As for this thread, discuss those who you feel are simming their days away. The best glory I have had in Grepolis is a successful alliance operation, all your players happy they just took down a big group of enemy cities. I never took pride in my own cities or conquers. It's my opinion, that's the most fun way to play this game.

The 10,632 build, my curiosity is now satisfied.

Note that special city builds can be changed without changing point counts, so that part is city specific.


Coming from the boy who thought the invincible TU would roll through the other oceans and dominate the world. When the tide turned and he ran up against real active players that worked with any kind of coordination and they couldn't keep up that unending conquest streak..... Gave up and quit the game.

Those 4000+ biremes TU kept wasting all their LS on in all those SE cities must have been illusions created by all the independent simmers in 65 also. For the record Tyler spent almost 1 million silver to break the cave in one of King's cities to get that report. Apparently it must not have been very accurate since Tyler lost about 600 LS trying to clear that harbor in a last ditch effort to do some damage.... Thanks for all that free BP.
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It is quite the coincidence

Coming from the boy who thought the invincible TU would roll through the other oceans and dominate the world. When the tide turned and he ran up against real active players that worked with any kind of coordination and they couldn't keep up that unending conquest streak..... Gave up and quit the game.


Obviously he is using the term in a derogatory manner, which I'm sure most people associate that when they use the word simmer but being Sim City(Great game by the way, had most Sim cities growing up) is a game where all you do is build up your cities and than make new ones. The term does apply well to Kings, not saying he isn't a great player, he clearly is a great/elite player and there is more than one way to find success in this game. I can't imagine Kings is greatly offended by being called a Simmer, he is just simming away in relative tranquility in Ocean 65, nobody can say he is not. The guy has 609 ABP, not to say he doesn't earn BP by defending, since he is 26th on that list but to say he isn't a simmer would be to ignore the facts. The problem is people actually think being called a Simmer is a bad thing, which in my mind is not. Usually the people who use simming in a negative fashion are those who enjoy the attacking aspect of this game more so than anything else. I just think we shouldn't be so sensitive to what other people call us, shoot if I was sensitive to name-calling and opinions of other people, I would of already quit this game ages ago. Simmer or not, I would be more than honored to have King or any of the indies of 65 join my alliance because these guys are very serious and are the perfect players for any properly functioning alliance.


Coming from the boy who thought the invincible TU would roll through the other oceans and dominate the world. When the tide turned and he ran up against real active players that worked with any kind of coordination and they couldn't keep up that unending conquest streak..... Gave up and quit the game.

Those 4000+ biremes TU kept wasting all their LS on in all those SE cities must have been illusions created by all the independent simmers in 65 also. For the record Tyler spent almost 1 million silver to break the cave in one of King's cities to get that report. Apparently it must not have been very accurate since Tyler lost about 600 LS trying to clear that harbor in a last ditch effort to do some damage.... Thanks for all that free BP.

Do not talk to Tyler like that :p he's one of the best at this game and in the forums


Sorry Jimo, I forgot king needed his butt bud to go speak for him. My reasons to leave the game are my own.

I do not doubt TU's ability to take cities without me at all so you imply that my leaving will affect that much means nothing to me. The greatest thrill I got from this game was taking my 17th city with 1000's or BR's in the harbor. Alex did a great job defending but breaking that BR wall was awesome. I loved the challenges of this game, never think otherwise.


wow 644 ABP is awful for a player thats ranked 2nd. I've never seen anything like it. Never played here but a milestone like his deserves to be honored:p


wow i don't even know what to say about 644 ABP holy pacifists


king-of-k------ 844 -50811 -51655
jimo -------- 21634 -54131 -75765
Aeros2000--- 33156 -56797 -89953

adsum----- 33932 -8940 -42872
qualt ----- 86395 -33140 -119535
jneed53--- 32914 -20634 -53548
jamminzz-- 84606 -62354 -146960
joemarine- 40390 -12855 -53245
igork ------36253 -25969 -62222

If you look at these numbers you will find that Tylers 'simmers' are just as active as his members. These 'simmers' have no backup and no big alliance protecting them, yet they put up very similar numbers to TU's members. Tyler has always used this forum as a tool of miscommunication and misinformation to advance his concerns and general hatred for those who will not bow to him.
DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID. Make your own judgements. Play your game the way you want to play it. If you like to attack then put your ships in the water. If you like to defend then build your defenses.
They sim behind other groups of players for survival, nothing for others because they're scared if I had to guess.
How does someone hide behind a group in this game? All my cities are still sitting in the same places they always have. I'm pretty easy to find.
Sorry Jimo, I forgot king needed his butt bud to go speak for him
Tyler continually resorts to insult when faced with adverse circumstances. It was this kind of behavior that seperated TU from having a real conversation with the 'Simmers'. He was TU's greatest liability when there was a need for diplomacy.
TU will be a better, more dangerous alliance without Tyler.
Don't be someone else's sheep. Think, research, apply. Above all, play the game that you enjoy and don't let anyone else tell you how it should be played.
Goodbye Tyler, it was interesting talking to you in game. Good luck in RL.
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It's hard for anyone to convincingly argue that TU isn't a strong alliance. We hold a large part of the most difficult, central oceans. If the simmers became the focus of TU I'm certain they wouldn't be around for the world wonder phase, not because they aren't capable players, but because it would be very difficult to retain their own cities as well as continuing to build units, if a large offensive assault were launched against them.


It's hard for anyone to convincingly argue that TU isn't a strong alliance. We hold a large part of the most difficult, central oceans. If the simmers became the focus of TU I'm certain they wouldn't be around for the world wonder phase, not because they aren't capable players, but because it would be very difficult to retain their own cities as well as continuing to build units, if a large offensive assault were launched against them.



Coming from the boy who thought the invincible TU would roll through the other oceans and dominate the world. When the tide turned and he ran up against real active players that worked with any kind of coordination and they couldn't keep up that unending conquest streak..... Gave up and quit the game.

Those 4000+ biremes TU kept wasting all their LS on in all those SE cities must have been illusions created by all the independent simmers in 65 also. For the record Tyler spent almost 1 million silver to break the cave in one of King's cities to get that report. Apparently it must not have been very accurate since Tyler lost about 600 LS trying to clear that harbor in a last ditch effort to do some damage.... Thanks for all that free BP.

who is this guy? LOL

king-of-k------ 844 -50811 -51655
jimo -------- 21634 -54131 -75765
Aeros2000--- 33156 -56797 -89953

adsum----- 33932 -8940 -42872
qualt ----- 86395 -33140 -119535
jneed53--- 32914 -20634 -53548
jamminzz-- 84606 -62354 -146960
joemarine- 40390 -12855 -53245
igork ------36253 -25969 -62222

If you look at these numbers you will find that Tylers 'simmers' are just as active as his members. These 'simmers' have no backup and no big alliance protecting them, yet they put up very similar numbers to TU's members. Tyler has always used this forum as a tool of miscommunication and misinformation to advance his concerns and general hatred for those who will not bow to him.
DONT DRINK THE KOOL-AID. Make your own judgements. Play your game the way you want to play it. If you like to attack then put your ships in the water. If you like to defend then build your defenses.

How does someone hide behind a group in this game? All my cities are still sitting in the same places they always have. I'm pretty easy to find.

Tyler continually resorts to insult when faced with adverse circumstances. It was this kind of behavior that seperated TU from having a real conversation with the 'Simmers'. He was TU's greatest liability when there was a need for diplomacy.
TU will be a better, more dangerous alliance without Tyler.
Don't be someone else's sheep. Think, research, apply. Above all, play the game that you enjoy and don't let anyone else tell you how it should be played.
Goodbye Tyler, it was interesting talking to you in game. Good luck in RL.

do you want to update this list? LOL Really there is no comparison between The Union and the Indies. The only reason they have survived this long is that they posed no threat to anyone because they are just simmers. The only cities they take are from inactive/leaving players like vultures picking at roadkill. They don't have the ability to hunt for their own food and just like the carrion they are they will scatter when the real hunters show up. If there is a serious conflict between us and them I'd give them 2 months of war before they crumble and their Sim Cities become ours. It's such a pain rebuilding badly built cities but we're getting used to it.
Take care Tyler, we all love you :)


Hrm... just catching up to my bi-annual reading of the forums.... As you may note, I don't post much.. don't need to.

But a quick reflection of the banter here....

Jimo no longer plays...
Aero drank the coolaid is now a member of TU
King-of-Kings is now surrounded by a lot of new TU cities...

And every member on that list that was in TU, still is in TU.

Funny how predictions work out.

My Prediction...(click spoiler!)

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Hrm... just catching up to my bi-annual reading of the forums.... As you may note, I don't post much.. don't need to.

But a quick reflection of the banter here....

Jimo no longer plays...
Aero drank the coolaid is now a member of TU
King-of-Kings is now surrounded by a lot of new TU cities...

And every member on that list that was in TU, still is in TU.

Funny how predictions work out.

My Prediction...(click spoiler!)


Love it! No Pain No Gain!


this thread is hilarious to reread

btw...king never got another abp since that was posted. still at 644 lolz


Am I wrong in the fact that I don't see my old friend king anywhere?

Regardless, anyone have time for a brief catch-me-up?:rolleyes: