
This subject is for the DOOM alliance :D

history of DOOM: DOOM, great alliance in en.pella ( came second ). Great members, great leaders, great founder. :p great me.

About DOOM:DOOM is a very supportive and joyful alliance, not just supportive in the support way but in the help beginers too .

DOOM objectives: you wanted me to say them ? :eek:

About me: i have 5 years of experience, im not a beginner
i've lead alliances for 4 years, two of them went to the top 5.

Now q & a time

when can i join DOOM ?
as soon as its created, that means or 15 minutes after the world opened or 8 hours after :p

what authorizations will i have ?
invite and mass mail

what do i need to be leader/council ?
you need to have at lesat 2 years of experience and 1 year of leadership

What do you do to your ennemies ?
we smash them !!!!! thisisgrepolis

you wanna join ?


The Great Alliance Is Back

from 300 points, ocean 44 and surroundings
contact wheredevil

Loyal, ocean 44 and surroundings
contact wheredevil
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im confused... you are apparently this alliance, but i dont see your name anywhere, and your giving everyone invite privleges...


About me: i have 5 years of experience, im not a beginner
i've lead alliances for 4 years, two of them went to the top 5.

Grepolis hasn't been out for 5 years. In fact, I think EN Grepolis just turned 4 this January. Pella wasn't around until 2012, so what worlds did you play prior to Pella?


This subject is for the DOOM alliance :D

history of DOOM: DOOM, great alliance in en.pella ( came second ). Great members, great leaders, great founder. :p great me.

About DOOM:DOOM is a very supportive and joyful alliance, not just supportive in the support way but in the help beginers too .

DOOM objectives: you wanted me to say them ? :eek:

About me: i have 5 years of experience, im not a beginner
i've lead alliances for 4 years, two of them went to the top 5.

Now q & a time

when can i join DOOM ?
as soon as its created, that means or 15 minutes after the world opened or 8 hours after :p

what authorizations will i have ?
invite and mass mail

what do i need to be leader/council ?
you need to have at lesat 2 years of experience and 1 year of leadership

What do you do to your ennemies ?
we smash them !!!!! thisisgrepolis

you wanna join ?
you give EVERYONE invite rights?????


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no check that is using the en grepostats not the us... i find it more reliable because you can see accounts that used to have points and you can see their top points and when that was.