PnP Do you like Apples?


Well you guys would never get a job in a greengrocers since you think you're bringing back apples and the rest of us can see they're sour grapes.

Yes, it does seem that way. Regardless, we stuck around on the server and fought to the win. All these "returnees" left a long time ago and it's a bit strange to me they can't let go of a server they no longer play on.

We were up against quite a few good opponents and in the end we won. To those we defeated it's been a pleasure and hope to see you on another server.

And regardless of the vitriol that is being spewed by others I harbor no ill will, despite your best attempts.

Good luck to y'all wherever life may lead you.


Jes, this is finally a decent message. I will be posting a message to all of Chig Nation shortly because I feel it should be done by an Alba member. You were (mostly) respectful in you win and judging from the crap you got from our immature players it was worthy. You guys won and I commend you all for that. Personally, I feel I let my alliance down by leaving them months ago and only showing up for siege breaks. Think this is mostly my fault and I should have staying in my own alliance until the end. But that is just me. Congrats guys, you all earned it.


Hey mccontracting! There's another name from the past.

Well, I'm guilty of leaving and coming back too.

I gotta say I admire all these players who've been in it all the way through. Players like jham4u and kid cudi - chig founder and ap founder. And players like jes - first world and she took to it like a duck to water. Can't say I knew Jo before, must have been too far away. Then there's candy - enemy, I think. Maybe.

Well, they stayed and we did not. They developed relationships with other players so most of them can say they played "with" other alliances as much as "against" them. Someone had to lose.

So you think you are a great player! Lets play!. Troy is morale and you've got about a year to prove yourself. Bring it!
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Thanks to all the hard work everyone put in to get to this point. RL has tied me up over the closing months of this server so I have not been around as much as I would of liked to been. This victory would not of been possible without players like bulldog, boiler, gom, Gorben, pixie, tone and jesmaec stepping up and taking charge when the alliance needed leaders most. All of chig nation is indebted to you for this victory. I hope each one of you know how sincerely greatful I am to have played alongside you for the last 18 months. I've always said that great people make great alliances and today that rings true. As for alba and pr, its been a lot of fun. I have never harbored any ill will for any of you guys.I am greatful to have had the opportunity to play alongside you guys as both allies and enemies. I hope to see you all in the next world that opens. And finally, let me just say... THANK GOD CHI IS OVER!!!!


well mega still being a pain and seems to think he is better then he is or did i miss something or did MCc sort of say he was the reason APOC was beating everyone?

amen pixie amen lets rock an sock em
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well that's disappointing news. Not so much the victory itself - a token of endurance and devotion, if anything, but shallow and truly laughable in the final calculation for all the very self-evident reasons - but because treachery and baseness will wear the mask of victory and shield themselves in its aura.

Someone should write the story of the Age of Wonders.

Shallow and laughable.. you crack me up. wish i had seen this Saturday when i got home it would have made a long day getting home sweeter.. :)