BP and Favour Farming


One major change I and many other players believe needs to happen is one to prevent the farming of battle points from fellow alliance members to gain an unfair advantage on your opponents.

I have witnessed with photographic evidence a member of an alliance being kicked, supported with 100 + colony ships and attacked straight away with Light Ships. The result with Heightened Senses was that of 60000k+ BP. This is completely ridiculous. The previous changes in BP when attacking alliance members is now useless due to this loophole that has been abused for so long in so many different worlds. Favour farming alliance members also comes into this. I tried to take a city before and my alliance members and I were faced with 5+ purifications, around 5 sea storms and more. The only way to obtain this amount of favour is by attacking alliance members nearby with mythical units.

I am no expert but these problems are certainly fixable. In regards to the BP farming, a time period could exist in which a player could not rejoin their previous alliance after leaving. This would prevent the process from taking place so quickly and leave the member who left the alliance open to attack from other alliances. However I feel this suggestion is less likely to work due to the fact the players could communicate about incoming attacks. A better suggestion is to make it so you can not attack someone who left your alliance for a certain period of time after. Sure the person who planned to attack and get all the BP could just leave the alliance also and then attack to avoid this but as a counter to this loophole, the penalty of reduced BP when attacking alliance members could apply for 24 hours after they leave for both themselves and people from the same alliance who also leave.

As for favour farming this could be fixed by the implementation of either the reduction of favour gained from attacking an alliance member or gaining no favour at all however this issue bothers me much less than the other.

This is something that needs to change. For too long has this given teams an unfair advantage. It is not against the rules but is viewed as cheating as the battle points are not earned from battle and people have just found a loophole to get around the original change in mechanics.


Captain Pudding

(to clarify i am merely suggesting and getting the conversation started about the issue)
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These are some of the worst ideas I've ever heard, sorry.


These are some of the worst ideas I've ever heard, sorry.
I am merely getting the ball rolling on a serious issue. If mine are bad please suggest better ones.
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Favor farming is a crucial alliance optimization that only the best alliances can pull off. If you arent able to have a effective favor farming ring, you deserve to get sea stormed 5 times back to back.

As far as the BP penalty, I think we should go back to no having a penalty whatsoever lol. As far as your suggestions got for fixing the current system, youve got all kinds of problems created by your solution


Favor farming is a crucial alliance optimization that only the best alliances can pull off. If you arent able to have a effective favor farming ring, you deserve to get sea stormed 5 times back to back.

As far as the BP penalty, I think we should go back to no having a penalty whatsoever lol. As far as your suggestions got for fixing the current system, youve got all kinds of problems created by your solution
the favour farming is the much lesser of the two issues. All I can say is the people who are fine with BP farming are the ones doing it...


I dont BP farm at all, but Ive been playing this game since EN Delta and I have never had a problem with people doing it. If that is what they want to invest their resources in, go for it.


I dont BP farm at all, but Ive been playing this game since EN Delta and I have never had a problem with people doing it. If that is what they want to invest their resources in, go for it.
So you are saying its fair to find a loophole in the mechanics of the game and abuse it to grow considerably faster than your opponents? And if your answer is that both sides can do it, you're suggesting a completely dead world


Is it a loophole in the mechanics, or is it purposefully left in so that smart alliances can use it to "grow considerably faster"

Theres a million different things that smart alliances exploit and do to be better than the rest of the alliances around them, theres a reason alliances dont all finish the world at the same size and rank, and its not just gold


Here is my two cents as a player.

While I somewhat agree there is an issue here I also see it this way, someone had to create all of those CS's. With the resources and build times that is a major commitment to create this BP bomb, for lack of a better description. Is this agreeable under a sense of fair play? Well, that apparently depends on the players involved.

Moving to possible responses to the issue. Let's say the alliance BP penalty is dropped to 0% and cool down time is imposed for those dropping out of alliances is put on BP (decisions that are way above my "pay grade")... to me its a bit extreme but would apparently make SOME players happy. What I expect you would then find, and is likely already occurring under the current limitations, would be alliances pairing up without any formal pacts and doing exactly what you are complaining about without any penalty and still acting as a cohesive team. With all the instant chats options available, communications will be unaffected. You do not need to declare a pact to share forums. So it basically falls down to whether alliances decide on the value of a declared pact.

As for the favor issue, there is an event occurring which allows players to gain favor from it. If a player has the ingredients, there would be no problem getting 5 or even more sea storms without even requiring a single myth to move from their cozy lairs. I can't say what the player actually did as I have no idea who it was but that would be my guess.


Mr. Puddling:

Of course it is the event for the favor to sea storm you that many times. Come on buddy? You know there are players that will spend $50 on gold to save a city. If the event allows for the purchasing of ingredients that give instant favor then of course they would buy them. Also running mantis, medusas, harpies and griffins has always been very, very hard to setup and takes incredible trust.

As for the colony ship BP fest, I don't know how or why inno would bother changing that. Personally, I believe that would be a creative but very sad technique for generating BP. Let's face it, only the attacker would get the 170 BP x # of CSes. That means every other teammate just spent roughly 10k/10k/10k to make a CS for zero BP. If any alliance I was in suggested something like that, I would ask "why are you not building offense to attack enemies and defense to defend your cities rather than CSes???".

Just my two cents.


The 80% alliance BP reduction is absolutely ridiculous. Right now for BP farming people just leave the alliance anyways and come back once done, The 80% debuff in BP while in the alliance is merely a speed bump in that sense. My issue with it is internalizing a player. When someone goes MIA and you have to quickly clear and send a cs at their cities the problem you run into is to get the full BP amount from killing the person's troops you yourself has to leave and come back, and if a lot of people in the alliance are doing this it's a hassle. So why don't just kick the MIA player? Because it automatically lets the enemy know what you are doing. The 80% rule does nothing except make people leave for BP farm and cause chaos and lots of leaving and rejoining when eating a player. Should go back to no penalty.


Mr. Puddling:

Of course it is the event for the favor to sea storm you that many times. Come on buddy? You know there are players that will spend $50 on gold to save a city. If the event allows for the purchasing of ingredients that give instant favor then of course they would buy them. Also running mantis, medusas, harpies and griffins has always been very, very hard to setup and takes incredible trust.

As for the colony ship BP fest, I don't know how or why inno would bother changing that. Personally, I believe that would be a creative but very sad technique for generating BP. Let's face it, only the attacker would get the 170 BP x # of CSes. That means every other teammate just spent roughly 10k/10k/10k to make a CS for zero BP. If any alliance I was in suggested something like that, I would ask "why are you not building offense to attack enemies and defense to defend your cities rather than CSes???".

Just my two cents.

This happened to me when there was no event on btw it wasnt very recently. As for the issue of the amount of resources it costs, with research its 9k each and you'll find thats nothing to most players.

So one person gets all the BP. As stated before I witnessed with heightened senses over 60,000 BP in one hit for a process that probably could have been done a few times a day in a big alliance for different people.

Thanks for your input!


My grandson wants to use my computer to play, I do not want to be "banned" for two different names----HOW do I do that????


The biggest problem is it taking 30 mins to demand resources from 50 cities. Change my mind. LOL


To win, you play a game as it exists... not the one you wish for.
BP farming was an integral part of winning, because it was crucial to creating city slots. When my squad and I still played, we communicated exclusively through off game comm links and played the game as a team. Some of the team were city players... some were fighters... we had a strategic plan and active Intel. It was fairly easy to generate massive BP for city slots. I do not see how you can stop BP farming without crippling other important aspects of the game.

Note that the game cheaters easily set up multiple accounts to function like members of a legal team. You won’t stop that either, which was one of the three reasons we quit playing.