Best/Worst Leader or Founder


Lets do a Best and Worst Leader/Founder for Upsilon

BEST: Homey100 -Dulce et Decorum

WORST: DragonSlayer17 -Knights Of Templar


Best: Keltset seems pretty well established as a leader.

Worst: Dragonslayer17


Best Leader: Keltset
Worst Leader: I'm doing the Co-founder of Knights of Templar Legolas II because he hasn't kept his promise.


Best - Sandhurst91/Homety100

Worst - Dragonslayer17/Legolas II


Best: Sandhurst91, but he is busy with RL right now so Keltset
Worst: Asianjesus, Captflash00, Dragonslayer17, schmitzebra EDIT: and atomic, even tho he's not in this world


atomic is the worst in every world ever and always will be the worst, I'm pretty sure if everyone here tried to be worse than him we would all fail


My question is: Why haven't you rimmed him yet, and if you did, what took you so long?


There has only been two conquests so far in this world per the last update from Grepostats. Not many people are being rimmed yet.

Best leader: Kelts... Doh vanity sorry... haha--- Joking aside, based on the interaction and statistics so far I would also point my finger towards the leadership at Dulce.

Worst leader: Abishi.... 'nuff said.


Best leader: Homey100 - he has done a great job in the past week while I have predominantly been away with RL and since he became co-leader of DeD. (Should be fully back in another week or so as will the newspaper :p)

Worst leader: DragonSLayer - he left DeD in the second day to set up an 'academy' without my permission. Since then he has threatened to team up against us with 5 other alliances :p he is the definition of a noob!


Noob/Newb means beginner, don't use it to slander a person's experience when they quit your alliance and threaten you. I don't understand why people call everyone a noob when they don't listen to you or they disagree with you, seems a bit pointless to waste time calling someone a noob for personal reasons.

Sorry to go off-topic like that but it grinds my gears when people say that such and such is a noob for leaving and declaring war.

Anyways, I still don't have a best/worst leader in this world, I'm only in O45 with my alliance. For co-leaders, I'd say Ajax is a good person and for the bad.. Garruntar as he sent me an invite to merge into his alliance and tried to insult me which was funny to read.


Noob/Newb means beginner, don't use it to slander a person's experience when they quit your alliance and threaten you. I don't understand why people call everyone a noob when they don't listen to you or they disagree with you, seems a bit pointless to waste time calling someone a noob for personal reasons.

Sorry to go off-topic like that but it grinds my gears when people say that such and such is a noob for leaving and declaring war.

Anyways, I still don't have a best/worst leader in this world, I'm only in O45 with my alliance. For co-leaders, I'd say Ajax is a good person and for the bad.. Garruntar as he sent me an invite to merge into his alliance and tried to insult me which was funny to read.

The guy is a terrible player and doesn't have a clue that's why I called him a noob. Not because he disagrees with me, everyone has an opinion.
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I believe Newb is used to describe a newbie, or new person. Whereas the slang Noob describes newbie like traits, lack of knowledge, or the lack of ability to play in a skillful way. It is not generally used to describe the length of time in which one has played. Both terms are internet slang so the argument that it is internet slang would not hold. I see no flaw in this use of either term where they are correct to use.

That aside... I love when players run off and make you academies without permission. That is noobish!


I believe Newb is used to describe a newbie, or new person. Whereas the slang Noob describes newbie like traits, lack of knowledge, or the lack of ability to play in a skillful way. It is not generally used to describe the length of time in which one has played. Both terms are internet slang so the argument that it is internet slang would not hold. I see no flaw in this use of either term where they are correct to use.

That aside... I love when players run off and make you academies without permission. That is noobish!

That gave me a laugh. But otherwise I totally agree


totally agree with Keltset on this one. and to add evidence to this:

Urban Dictionary definition of a Newb:
A term used to describe a inexperienced gamer/person/etc. Unlike a noob, a newb is someone who actually wants to get better.

Urban Dictionary definition of a noob:
Contrary to the belief of many, a noob/n00b and a newbie/newb are not the same thing. Newbs are those who are new to some task* and are very beginner at it, possibly a little overconfident about it, but they are willing to learn and fix their errors to move out of that stage. n00bs, on the other hand, know little and have no will to learn any more. They expect people to do the work for them and then expect to get praised about it, and make up a unique species of their own. It is the latter we will study in this guide so that the reader is prepared to encounter them in the wild if needed.

its very important to know the difference :D