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    • nigol reacted to Hixxa's post in the thread Top 5 with Like Like.
      Listen! Y’all need to STOP mentioning Belle I think She is getting pissed! And you WILL get banned. Trust me harassment bans are...
    • nigol replied to the thread Top 5.
      Think you got "taken out" for getting involved with something you had no idea about lol. Charlie and Nats personal stuff.. which...
      • 691892A3-A4C1-415B-87CF-94EA283E4B78.jpeg
      • 3CEB6669-270E-4426-9151-9E60718A7146.jpeg
    • nigol replied to the thread Top 5.
      Mals a mediocre player at best lol Never seen fyre do much either but Mal seems to be friends with fyre?. They’ll just want revenge for...
    • nigol replied to the thread Top 5.
      lol any that seem to become grep famous are most definitely bad! And most are bullies and live off their egos. Everyone was attacking...
    • nigol reacted to Mr. Dino's post in the thread Top 5 with Like Like.
      Ty for giving a brief overview as well. It is just that it fascinates me that the us/en servers have such a big history of players and...
    • nigol replied to the thread Top 5.
      be careful what you ask. Hixxa asked a question in the “is it finally all over post” now he’s banned again. I will say though Charlie...
    • nigol replied to the thread Is it finally all over.
      Softly softly hix.. dangerous grounds
    • nigol replied to the thread Feedback for Heroes rebalancing.
      Maybe back in the day bots gave advantage with attacks, but now with sirens and by using the attack planner and tools inno have given...
    • nigol replied to the thread Tbom's Memes.
      Wtf lol!! You’ve literally just come back off a ban! Pot calling kettle black!
    • nigol reacted to mogula's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      Corruption. Lol, yeah right. Charlie said it so must be true.. inno mods are out to get the rule breakers, oh, isn’t that their job? Lol...
    • nigol reacted to Zeeker348's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      Incredible that a group of leakers don’t understand that things like ip addresses and MAC addresses etc exist. And just because you...
    • nigol reacted to mogula's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      lol "Mr Toad"
    • nigol reacted to Arkitek88's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      Why was @Cinderella so bad at Soccer? Because she kept running away from the ball!
    • nigol reacted to Arkitek88's post in the thread Is it finally all over with Like Like.
      That last one is Hella Funny!
    • nigol replied to the thread Is it finally all over.
      You’re a funny guy.. so I’ve been toad
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