D&D: Spying


Is the act of soliciting a player to pass along information spying fair game or is it a dirty move? What if that player approaches you? Is it wrong to accept?

Players approaches you and gives you info, or asks if you are interested in info? If he/she gives you info and you ignore it, that is just silly as you are hurting your alliance by not telling them whatever it is. At the same time the info could be incorrect, and this person can be coming to you with the intention of throwing your alliance off and weakening them by always making them prepare for the opposite of what is going to happen. He/she could be helpful, but then that brings about the question of why he/she wants to give you info. The player might benefit from the relationship a lot more than you do, and you have to question that players loyalty if he/she walks up other alliances, knocks on the door, and gives info without being asked.

Soliciting a player, well when I used to lead a few years ago I used to do that. Would have conversations with other leaders, and would get information that they intentionally or unintentionally said. I think it is fair game, I mean you can't make them talk. To plant spies in other alliances though I believe is unnecessary and not right. Especially now in days where even pacts have spies in each other, that is a bit overboard imo :\


Look mate its clear you would like to argue with your combative style, but then again that all you Inked up guys seem to do! On almost every single post you see one or two from Inked up arguing with someone. We get it guys you are the best and will rim us all for disagreeing with you, you guys enjoy a good fight blah blah blah but that doesn't mean you guys have to be such arses sometime. No need to hype yourselfs up because we can all see your roster and see the other possibles. Just because your suppose to be the "best" doesn't mean you need to display yourselves this way have some respect for the noobs like myself ;)


Man if you knew me at all you'd know I say very little. It was a debate, I put my 2cents in, you responded, I replied, you got smart about it, so I gave it right back. Obviously you can't handle any back and forth.

This is why I have 50 some post in 2 years


I'd like to remind you this is a debate and discussion... so ya, all we're going to do here is argue. That's why it's a debate and discussion.


that wasn't for you joe :)

I didn't need that reminder to figure it out :p This Inked Up alliance reminds me of the alliances on Thebes, still amazed how quickly most of those fell. I think I will be joining near these Inked Up guys, at the very least they can rim me after we are trade partners. Or I can turtle for them so when warrior packages come out they get triple bp for rimming me :D

Back on topic, yeah spying is to be expected whether it is right or not. Information is very important and some people have different ways at getting it.


Gold has zero bearing on skill level. Skill is executing a perfectly timed snipe, or parking a cs in a well defended harbor. Not building troops or a city faster than the next guy. That's called dedication people neglect the fact that to use gold you need resources and that requires actively farming.

I think gold abuse points to a lack of skill but there are plenty of skilled players that use gold moderately. To some extent rebuilding troops and city turn around are a skill, account management is a skill otherwise people wouldn't need gold to close the gap on other players in this area of the game. Rebound time when you have a player on the ropes is part of the larger tactics of the game, I'm sure you know this but I don't think it should be ignored as a skill.

As far as your other "not ok" activities I just have to shake my head. You must be new, draining caves is the smart thing todo. So is sending attacks and recalling at odd hours, it keeps people off balance. And hey, if you need alittle Bp for that next slot and you have some troops that you no longer need you're a fool not to kill them off and get that next city.

yeah completely agree here. Spies might not be the most enjoyable aspect of the game but it is part of the social part along with diplomacy, recruitment, training, and intel gathering. As for cave draining it is a more effective use of resources than overspending on spies all the time.

Spies are one of the reasons why Grepolis is going downhill.

However, it also brings a sense of realism to it. In real life, countries use spies all the time(US-CIA/FBI, Russia-KGB etc)

just my 2 cents.

grepolis has had spies and traitors since the beginning with no real threat to the game. you can learn from your experience and minimize the negative impact OR accept the outcome again and again
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I think gold abuse points to a lack of skill but there are plenty of skilled players that use gold moderately. To some extent rebuilding troops and city turn around are a skill, account management is a skill otherwise people wouldn't need gold to close the gap on other players in this area of the game. Rebound time when you have a player on the ropes is part of the larger tactics of the game, I'm sure you know this but I don't think it should be ignored as a skill

You are very correct, I just didn't feel like going that deep into it


Since we are going off topic, let me chime in. Gold can only get you so far. It just enhances your skill, doesn't create it. You can spend as much as you want, but you still have to know how to time your attacks and be active.

For spies, if anyone offers up intel to me, I like to send a MM to his/her current alliance letting them know they have a traitor.


Since we are going off topic, let me chime in. Gold can only get you so far. It just enhances your skill, doesn't create it. You can spend as much as you want, but you still have to know how to time your attacks and be active.

For spies, if anyone offers up intel to me, I like to send a MM to his/her current alliance letting them know they have a traitor.

lol That is a nice way to take care of the problem :D


Just my thoughts on the subject of gold and spying:
Gold- I use gold, but acknowledge it doesn't make me a better player, or anybody who uses it for that matter. Serious folders can still be dealt with, and eventually they will run out of resources in game, despite the gold trading feature. IMO, it is that much more satisfying to crush them. Just think, being the player that spent $10 per month playing as opposed to the guy who spent $100 per month, and you made him waste all that money. Nothing is more demoralizing to them, and satisfying to me.
Spies- in truth, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but the fact is, there will be spying. Yes, it is a cheap victory, however, having spies doesn't necessarily mean anything either. Typically, spies have a hard time infiltrating an alliance with active and good players, as they are already whole and don't need the extra baggage of introducing an unknown element to their team. On the other hand, MRA's are typically highly susceptible to spies, and rightly so, as their philosophy is all about quantity over quality.
Let there be spies and serial golders. I will play the game as I enjoy playing it, and focus on taking cities as well as expanding upon my skills and my knowledge of the game.


From the desk of AD:

"I love spies and I will have them in every single alliance. Some of them will even be your leaders."



I shouldn't post on the externals that's kinda the same right???

What's he pay, I'll do you better


I shouldn't post on the externals that's kinda the same right???

What's he pay, I'll do you better

You couldn't afford me. AD's already taken to 'credit' and wondering if he can file bankruptcy when I get tired of the IOUs. LOL


Now back to the original topic. This should be a fun debate. I'll start with Darth's post. So it's fair, but it makes you weak? Well, considering some of the best alliances I've played with/against used spies, I'm going to have to disagree. In most cases, it makes you stronger :p . If it made you weaker, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I've played both against and with alliances that used spies. I found out that usually weak leaders and/or low self esteemed people are the ones who use spies (in terms of planting them themselves). It's because of their lack of faith in themselves and in their ability. Which in turn, also generally are the gold abusers as well (Like HommeS, iimagine13, halloween, Lord Walkus, etc.).

Berglemonster, Exit Strategy, White Khalifa, AD, and others are good NOT because of the gold they spend (though it is a lot), but because they ACTUALLY are good.

Those who use spies when the spy comes to them, is a different story. With teams I've lead I have used a spy (not directly myself but a teammate of mine had a friend who offered to be one), so we got info that way. I did tell my teammate that depending on how thing went he probably wouldn't be able to join us but events turned out he left the game anyways.

I agree it makes you "stronger" but not in the sense of you're actually a good leader/alliance/player. Stronger as in just harder to defeat (and there's always ways around that). I'm saying it makes you weaker, because now you're relying on a person who you may or may not know well to feed you info. That player has to be on at critical times and/or all the time, and feed you the RIGHT information. Second point is, if the spy is willing to spy on their current alliance for an enemy, what stops him (if there is no mutual friendship anywhere throughout your alliance) from doing the same to you should he/she join you?

There's just too many liabilities with it if you ask me and I'd rather just obliterate you from the map vs lie in wait (though of course always fighting smart and making them spend more money,time, and units).

That's what I'm meaning.

You have one side that uses them as a "bonus" to the game, and another side that uses them to cover up a weakness in their game play/themselves.
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