

When can we get a world with these settings

Speed -3

Beginner protection 5-7 days

alliance cap 75 or 100

Morale Yes


Reason: I want to join this server but i dont like the world settings, i am done with the us/uk server because of the baggage i carry over there and im ready for a clean slate :\


I cannot say for certain when those exact settings will happen. We are only going on our 3rd world, and each worlds settings are a bit different. The server is only a couple of months old. We have a speed 2 with Revolt on Alpha. Gamma is our first speed 3 world but is not revolt. I doubt we would do a BP of 7 days on a speed 3 ever. Perhaps in the near future you will see something closer to your liking. Keep watch!


I've always wondered, how are world settings chosen? Do you guys put a blindfold on someone, stick random settings on a dart board, and have them take a toss at it? :p

Or is there a pure randomize? Or is there some preference given? I have noticed that in .us all three world have had morale in them, this seems to be the case also the .es and .it servers, where morale seems to take precedent over non-morale worlds.


I've always wondered, how are world settings chosen? Do you guys put a blindfold on someone, stick random settings on a dart board, and have them take a toss at it? :p

Or is there a pure randomize? Or is there some preference given? I have noticed that in .us all three world have had morale in them, this seems to be the case also the .es and .it servers, where morale seems to take precedent over non-morale worlds.


InnoGames GmbH. The corporation, what manages this game. They choose the settings, and we can't influence it.

Daedalus said, InnoGames makes worlds with moral, because its a new server, the american server, and new players MUST like this game to invite other ones, and it isnt good if bigger player conquer them, and they finish the game.


Actually, these particular settings were chosen by me and approved by the powers that be. We may decide to do some no morale worlds but for now I believe it to be in the best interest in the long term survival of the server to do morale based worlds. For now.

As for how I came to these settings, pretty simple. Morale was a given for the reasons I have stated on this and other threads. Speed 3 was chosen because we did 2 speed 2 worlds and it was either go slower or go faster. I chose faster. I chose the alliance size to be smaller as the other two were larger. Revolt vs conquest was a toss up as we had done 1 of each. I did a smaller BP because of the faster speed. None of my decisions were based on what was done on other servers but it does not surprise me that the smaller servers go more to the morale base for likely the same reasons I do.

Be patient, I have said all along there will be settings that come along for players off all types. No morale will happen eventually.


Also i wonder this, i have much gold in uk/us server can i get it over here? And I dont need 7 days bp 3 or 5 is fine. i just want revolt spd 3 and morale. If you could get that done i would be so happy. like you said you picked the speed on last one.


Also i wonder this, i have much gold in uk/us server can i get it over here? And I dont need 7 days bp 3 or 5 is fine. i just want revolt spd 3 and morale. If you could get that done i would be so happy. like you said you picked the speed on last one.

This is the .us server; however, you cannot transfer gold between servers such as .en to .us or vise versa.


Great setting picks so far Dae, I approve :) My opinion is that if you are going for quantity of players then slower worlds are the way to go, where as faster worlds tend to draw in/create the big name, high quality gold spender type players. And yea morale is definitely needed in the early stages of a server.