What money can t buy in Grepo


By and large, money can boost a player's performance in grepo. But this is not always the case. In my grepo years, I ve come up against major gold spenders that struggle to go beyond mediocrity. Yet, as the title suggests there are things that money can t buy in grepo.

Let me elaborate more on that: money can t buy you experience; money cant buy you courage (especially when hundreds of flashing swords pop down); money can t buy you acknowledgement as top grepo fighter; money can t substitute resource shortage (as of yet at least); finally, money can t buy you respect but, in contrast, can get you subject of negative comments.

Last, I ve fought aginst big credit cards thoughtout the grepo history. Sometimes i won, others lost. What i think is contemptible is to boast of your big credit card as if money own the world. MY life taught me that money is important but you will never achieve recognition in Grepo with them. You will be just another "gold whore" who paved the way to the crown with plastic money.


Gold isnt all that bad, it can be very useful. And there are a lot of players that use gold and are top fighters on their server


Gold isnt all that bad, it can be very useful. And there are a lot of players that use gold and are top fighters on their server

and do they have recognition from other members? do ppl acklowledge and respect their fighting skills?

Money bring confidence, but don t make you a better player.


and do they have recognition from other members? do ppl acklowledge and respect their fighting skills?

Money bring confidence, but don t make you a better player.

I know a large amount of players who have played for years and are great fighters. They use gold most of the time to make their life a bit easier when they have 300 cities to grow.


Every single p2p game is about money, you can buy time, in 99% of cases people who r buying gold play nolife = higher online time = reduced time of build = more army = more loot = more army and so on to infinity.

Especially during events its a big advantage because of LS / harpy / DBP / enligments..

So in long run (8-9months) there is no big difference between spenders and f2p players, but in serious moments there is big difference. This is not kind of game where you need to spend , i played few games like that where people spent over thousands (most of I ever seen 10k $ to castle clash), but here 20-50€ a month is nothing and I have to say buying gold in this phase of game is pretty useless except there is event or lack of advisors.


This is a good thread to laugh at. Instead of dissing players, spending their hard earned money, how about pointing fingers at the hackers. Hackers have a bad case Sloth. Needing an advantage to counter their laziness. Enough said.


and do they have recognition from other members? do ppl acklowledge and respect their fighting skills?

Money bring confidence, but don t make you a better player.

Yes they do get recognition, and it does make you a better player


This is a good thread to laugh at. Instead of dissing players, spending their hard earned money, how about pointing fingers at the hackers. Hackers have a bad case Sloth. Needing an advantage to counter their laziness. Enough said.

Your geniusness is overwhelming. i need to take lessons from you.


your geniusness is overwhelming. I need to take lessons from you.

your thread starting ability is overwhelming.... How about talking about something else that is useful. Your alliance of all alliances dont need to be throwing out the gold using cracks and recognition. Give us a discussion that utilizes your brains, or what you have left of a brain...... Gold is there, its part of the game, and everyone uses it, some more than others, and if you need recognition from a bunch of grepo players you dont even know?? That just shows me how shallow people can be on this game. News flash everyone..... I do not play this game for any of you, nor do i care what you think. You can be a 11 year old girl or a 88 year old man, im still bringing the pain to you.... Becasue i like to play this game for me..... Period..... If your looking for something else, might as well message r.h.stogus..... He will have a good reason for his grepo escapades.....


This is a good thread to laugh at. Instead of dissing players, spending their hard earned money, how about pointing fingers at the hackers. Hackers have a bad case Sloth. Needing an advantage to counter their laziness. Enough said.

Are you calling my alliance hackers?!



your thread starting ability is overwhelming.... How about talking about something else that is useful. Your alliance of all alliances dont need to be throwing out the gold using cracks and recognition. Give us a discussion that utilizes your brains, or what you have left of a brain...... Gold is there, its part of the game, and everyone uses it, some more than others, and if you need recognition from a bunch of grepo players you dont even know?? That just shows me how shallow people can be on this game. News flash everyone..... I do not play this game for any of you, nor do i care what you think. You can be a 11 year old girl or a 88 year old man, im still bringing the pain to you.... Becasue i like to play this game for me..... Period..... If your looking for something else, might as well message r.h.stogus..... He will have a good reason for his grepo escapades.....

Another bigmouth on the horizon...and a ruthless ans dreaded killer as well...imho one more spider that spins its web. This world seems to be full of ppl who express an opinion without even having bothered to check reliability (do i say what is intended to be said) and validity (can i generalize what i just said). keep up the spidery work...


News flash: This is the grepo forums. There are going to be a lot of people with different opinions, and not everyone is going to agree with your ideas. And there are no spiders


Beast, I'm not pointing any fingers at anyone in particular. My point was towards those who use cheat programs for an advantage. The developers didn't create this game not to make money. They didn't create this game out of the kindness of their heart. I would of preferred owning this game, instead of having the game a browser game, but this going to be the new norm for gaming. It's more profitable for developers to make browser games. FYI, this thread should of been put in "off topic", not in world Sparta.


Beast, I'm not pointing any fingers at anyone in particular. My point was towards those who use cheat programs for an advantage. The developers didn't create this game not to make money. They didn't create this game out of the kindness of their heart. I would of preferred owning this game, instead of having the game a browser game, but this going to be the new norm for gaming. It's more profitable for developers to make browser games. FYI, this thread should of been put in "off topic", not in world Sparta.

lol I was just joking around because my alliance is called The Sloths, and you called hackers sloths :p


Are you calling my alliance hackers?!

You are having a good time on the "rim" well... some of your members not you specifically Beast. Been watching your group and you to see the OMG SLOTHS WILL PWN EVERYONE predictions when this thing started. So far.... mewh. Points for doing well enough with the handful of players you got BUT a handful a winning Alliance does not make!


You are having a good time on the "rim" well... some of your members not you specifically Beast. Been watching your group and you to see the OMG SLOTHS WILL PWN EVERYONE predictions when this thing started. So far.... mewh. Points for doing well enough with the handful of players you got BUT a handful a winning Alliance does not make!

Really? What is with everyone lately, you all have sticks so far up your you know whats. Does anyone here know how to take a joke? Simmer down guy, obviously you dont know beast. Its a game, remember that. Chill bro, just chill.


You are having a good time on the "rim" well... some of your members not you specifically Beast. Been watching your group and you to see the OMG SLOTHS WILL PWN EVERYONE predictions when this thing started. So far.... mewh. Points for doing well enough with the handful of players you got BUT a handful a winning Alliance does not make!
