Villages stuck at 0% Mood


World: Athens
In Game Name: Pangerhonius
Have check the known bugs list: #Yes
Have you cleared your cache and cookies: #Yes
Have you tried a diffrent computer/laptop/tablelet/phone: #Yes
Have you tried a diffrent connection: #Yes
Full Version or Mobile Version: #Full
Browser and Version: #Safari
Overview of the bug: Villages on one island are stuck at zero mood. I don't believe I did anything to take them to zero, but they have not recovered over several days.
How often this occurs: Constantly
Work Around: none


Did you loot them?

Nope. I may have chosen a quest that reduced mood (I can't remember if I played it on that city) but even if I played several in a row, it wouldn't explain why the mood isn't recovering or why the villages aren't revolting.


The lowered mood would only, well, lower the mood. It'll only revolt if you loot them when they have a mood lower than 80%. I don't know why they aren't recovering though.


The lowered mood would only, well, lower the mood. It'll only revolt if you loot them when they have a mood lower than 80%. I don't know why they aren't recovering though.

Loot OR demand, right? I agree. But I can demand just fine, no revolt. Anyway, I think somebody at Grep must have read this because they started recovering this morning.

Grepo -- If you're listening, do a brother a solid: how about just setting them to 100% since I've been stuck like this for a couple days?
