Update to V2.63 - Changelog


Hello players and forum goers,

On Wednesday, June 11th, Grepolis will be updated to version 2.63. A discussion thread can be found here.

As is always the case there may be a short downtime while the update is applied. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Below is a list of the changes to be implemented in the update.


Not yet built buildings weren't shown in construction mode while erecting them,
Storing the maximum amount of silver wasn't preselected in the cave,
Windows were sometimes opened without content,
Players sometimes received 2 or 3 reports for one purchase,
The radial menu was broken in the maximized forum,
The construction buttons in the town overview were staying greyed out although Administrator was activated and 5 more building orders could be queued,
Heroes window got empty when switching tabs with coin exchange open,
Layout of coin exchange got broken when switching towns with coin exchange open,
Reports in which Heracles were involved didn't show the booty correctly,
The coin exchange didn't work when inserting a negative odd value.

Thank You,

Your Grepolis Team